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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

EUROpean clinical validation of a new ex vivo eXpanded stem cell theraPy for cArdiac regeNeration after acute myocarDial infarction: EUROXPAND


Ex-vivo-Zellexpansionstherapie bei Herzinfarkt

Ein Myokardinfarkt, kurz Herzinfarkt, tritt dann ein, wenn das Herz aufgrund verminderten Blutflusses nicht mehr ausreichend mit Sauerstoff versorgt wird. Dieses Geschehen kann den Herzmuskel verletzen, wobei es je nach Ausmaß der Schädigung bis zum Herzversagen kommen kann. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt EuroXpand verfolgt das Ziel, die Umbauprozesse des Herzens nach einem Infarkt mithilfe eines Ansatzes aus der regenerativen Medizin zu verbessern. Das Team hat einen autologen hämatopoetischen Ansatz auf der Grundlage von Stammzellen entwickelt, der nach der Infusion die Herzfunktion verbessert. Die Zellen werden unter standardisierten Bedingungen ex vivo expandiert, wobei eine projektintern entwickelte und patentierte Bioproduktionsplattform zum Einsatz kommt, um Qualitäts- und Reproduzierbarkeitskriterien zu geringeren Kosten zu erfüllen.


Heart failure (HF) after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) remains the first cause of death in developed countries, above cancer, with a life expectancy less than 5 years. With an overall cost of 83 billion euros per year worldwide , HF represents a global public-health issue. Treatments following AMI are still characterised by burdensome surgical procedures and post-operative treatments which both fail to prevent HF development.
In this context, CellProthera, founded in 2008, developed an innovative technology based on the discoveries of its founder, Pr. Hénon, who has worked on stem cells for more than 35 years. Unlike its competitors, CellProthera has already demonstrated the efficacy and the safety of its cell therapy, thanks to a successful Proof of Concept study. The clinical outcomes indicated an excellent safety profile associated with an outstanding long-term recovery of the cardiac function, facilitating socio-professional reinsertion.
The process used during the pilot phase could not be patented nor industrialised, limiting its availability to all patients. Hence, Cellprothera has developed a patented cell expansion automate StemXpand®, combined with StemPack® Kit creating an innovative business model, and a new cell therapy process less invasive, more affordable, and decreasing health costs related to HF in the order of 50 to 75%.
With the efficacy demonstration of the new process through EuroXpand project, Cellprothera’s cell therapy could become the reference treatment to prevent HF after AMI. This way, CellProthera will be in possession of all the assets required to achieve a leader position in HF prevention, after AMI. Indeed, with a potential of millions patients / year worldwide, Cellprothera’s total turnover is expected to reach 2,7 billion euros in 2030, associated to the creation of at least 70 direct jobs by 2027 and several thousands of indirect jobs, particularly in Cell Therapy Centres.

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