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I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
The promotional activities involve first the set up of web site which will include information about the project, partners, promoted activities, achieved results, and links to the materials produced (e.g. news, information related to the project, reports, kits, etc.). The website will be an interactive and visual portal responding to the needs of the different WP’s and audiences. It will be designed to respond to expressed needs of targeted audiences. Secondly, social media will be exploited such us the production of small science awareness videos with IPT’s research scientists. We will benefit from the expertise and experience of IP and CRG partners. PHINDaccess will also develop several accounts on social networks (linkedin, twitter, facebook, youtube, etc.) to reach the different audiences and create communities around the project.
Course program descriptive bookletOverall, task 2.1 will allow the participants to master all regulatory and ethical constraints related to biobanking and data stewardship. (D2.1)
List of training/networking sessionsThis task will complement WP2 objectives and enhance the expertise and skills of young and experienced investigators in Omics applied to strategic PHI models (section An extensive networking program will be implemented to foster the development of innovative approaches in key PHI models (section This program will include two-way lab visits between IPT’s research units and those from the partnering institutions, joint workshops and hackathons (WP2) on advanced processing, analysis and mining of Omics data and computational modeling of PHI biological circuits. A list of training/networking sessions of interest will be drafted in M6 (D4.2).
Task 3.1 Setting up a reliable and highly efficient environment for Omics data stewardship This task aims at creating a highly efficient environment for Omics data management. IPT will pair with RKI, CRG and IP todevise an adapted strategy for data management with respect to interoperability, security, confidentiality and backup in compliance with the FAIR data principles and the H2020 vision. This will give rise to a dedicated platform to achieve this (D3.1).
Mouna Rajhi, Sondes Haddad-Boubaker, Anissa Chouikha, Daniel Bourquain, Janine Michel, Walid Hammami, Amel Sadraoui, Hinda Touzi, Kais Ghedira, Henda Triki
Pubblicato in:
PLOS ONE, 2021, ISSN 1932-6203
Public Library of Science
Sondes Haddad-Boubaker; Houcemeddine Othman; Rabeb Touati; Kaouther Ayouni; Marwa Lakhal; Imen Ben Mustapha; Kais Ghedira; Maher Kharrat; Henda Triki
Pubblicato in:
BMC Bioinformatics, Vol 22, Iss 1, Pp 1-14 (2021), 2022, ISSN 2296-889X
Atanas Kamburov, Ralf Herwig
Pubblicato in:
Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, Pagina/e Pages D587–D595, ISSN 0305-1048
Oxford University Press
Kais Ghedira, Yosr Hamdi, Abir El Béji, Houcemeddine Othman
Pubblicato in:
BioMed Research International, 2020, ISSN 2314-6133
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mariem Hanachi, Olfa Maghrebi, Haifa Bichiou, Ferdaous Trabelsi, Najla Maha Bouyahia, Fethi Zhioua, Meriam Belghith, Emna Harigua-Souiai, Meriem Baouendi, Lamia Guizani-Tabbane, Alia Benkahla, Oussema Souiai
Pubblicato in:
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, ISSN 1664-302X
Frontiers Media
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