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Is it fresh. Keeping it fresh digitally

Descrizione del progetto

Tecnologia dei sensori per il monitoraggio della qualità degli alimenti

Una notevole quantità di sprechi alimentari deriva da una logistica inefficiente, nonché da una conservazione e da un trasporto inadeguati, eppure in queste fasi manca ancora un monitoraggio effettivo. Per questo motivo, l’intera catena del valore alimentare ha bisogno di un monitoraggio affidabile della data di produzione, della temperatura e di altri parametri biochimici che forniscano lo stato di freschezza in tempo reale. Il progetto Is it fresh, finanziato dall’UE, propone una tecnologia di sensori wireless che consente di ottenere dati sulla freschezza degli alimenti a prezzi accessibili su scala di singola unità di imballaggio. La tecnologia fornirà a ogni partner della catena del valore alimentare dati accessibili in modalità wireless sullo stato di freschezza del prodotto, sulla sua origine e sui registri di trasporto. Inoltre, consentirà al cliente finale di accedere ai sensori tramite un frigorifero o uno scaffale intelligente.


Roughly 1/3 of produced food is wasted globally. A significant amount of this waste is a result of inefficient logistics of food and perishables in general. In addition to the issue of food waste, the food industry around the globe is regularly hit by various food scandals, also often caused by improper storage or logistics.
For example, cold chain is often broken in transit by transportation companies to save costs by switching off refrigeration.
To overcome this issue, one requires low-cost tracking capabilities to enable all the participants along the food value chain, from manufacturers to logistic companies, retailers, and customers, to monitor the product freshness. Among the monitored parameters, there shall be not only manufacturing date and the temperature but also additional biochemical parameters providing the product's freshness status in real time. Nowadays, a product often spends most of its lifetime in transit or storage, actual monitoring during these stages is still missing though.

Is it fresh wireless sensor technology will enable affordable food freshness data on a single packaging unit scale. Every package will be able to report its freshness status for the product inside in real time. This will provide each partner in the food value chain with unique and wirelessly accessible data about product's current freshness status as well as origin and transport logs. In addition, it will give the end customer a valuable insight into the freshness status of their food products, for example, by addressing the sensors via a fridge or smart shelf. We have a contract in place with The willingness to pay is guaranteed by a contract with a major packaging company (you are using their products on a daily basis more likely than not), in which after our product is market ready, they are obliged to equip 5% of their production with freshtags – up to 10% if they want to keep us in exclusivity. This would mean up to 3 billion units of freshtags annually.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 347 157,00
52068 AACHEN

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Nordrhein-Westfalen Köln Städteregion Aachen
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 1 924 510,00