Immunmetabolismus-Schulung: Die Zukunft der antiviralen Strategien im Blick
An vorderster Front gegen virale Krankheitserreger steht das angeborene Immunsystem. Die metabolische Umprogrammierung von Immunzellen scheint die antivirale und entzündliche Reaktion des Wirts auf Virusinfektionen zu beeinflussen. Hier zeichnet sich ein vielversprechender neuer Weg zu Heilmitteln gegen Viren ab. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt INITIATE wird Fachleute aus dem akademischen Bereich und der Industrie vereinen, um ein interdisziplinäres wissenschaftliches Weiterbildungsprogramm über die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Virusinfektion, Wirtsstoffwechsel und Immunabwehr anzubieten. Ziel ist ein Erkenntnisgewinn von bislang unerreichtem Ausmaß, der in neuartige therapeutische Interventionen gegen Virusinfektionen umgesetzt werden soll, um zukünftige Epidemien oder Pandemien besser bekämpfen zu können.
Viral outbreaks and epidemics continue to impose high morbidity and mortality burdens in mankind and animals, emphasizing the urgent need for the continuous improvement and innovation of our antiviral strategies. The innate immune system is pivotal for effective anti-viral defences. This field is now being revolutionised by the recognition that metabolic re-programming has a major impact on the host antiviral and inflammatory response to virus infections. The development of strategies targeted to these pathways represents an exciting new frontier for antiviral remedies. To drive this emerging field of antiviral immunometabolism and its application to viral diseases, INITIATE (INnate-ImmunomeTabolIsm as Antiviral TargEt) brings together a highly complementary team of world leaders, both academic and corporate, from the historically distinct research fields of virology, innate immunity and cellular metabolism in order to train a new generation of interdisciplinary scientists. Specifically, INITIATE will deliver training on the interrelationships between viral infection, host metabolism and immune defences through related and interdependent research projects, complemented with interdisciplinary and intersectoral secondments. Local and network-wide scientific workshops will be supplemented with transferrable skill workshops devoted to academia/industry collaboration, research dissemination and translation of knowledge into novel therapeutic interventions, public engagement and a successful research environment. INITIATE will result in a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative top-level interdisciplinary researchers, who will be at the forefront of the emerging research field of ‘antiviral immunometabolism’. These scientists will be able to face the inevitable future challenges in combating viral and other diseases, and they will be highly attractive to European Life Sciences industry and academia.
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MSCA-ITN - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)Koordinator
3015 GD Rotterdam