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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Green Vehicle Index Project

Descrizione del progetto

Determinare quanto siano veramente ecologici i veicoli

È possibile conferire a consumatori, autorità e a tutte le altre parti interessate pertinenti la facoltà di riconoscere quanto sia effettivamente pulito ed efficiente dal punto di vista energetico un veicolo? Il progetto GVI, finanziato dall’UE, valuterà in maniera autonoma i veicoli verificandone le complessive prestazioni ambientali. L’obiettivo è la trasformazione di complicati processi di collaudo in informazioni oggettive, rilevanti e complete di facile comprensione per i consumatori. Il progetto elaborerà un metodo per la valutazione olistica delle prestazioni ambientali di un veicolo nell’arco della sua vita utile definendo un sistema di classificazione indipendente per la verifica delle prestazioni dei nuovi veicoli in base a vari fattori, quali rumore e costo. Dopo il collaudo, il progetto pubblicherà l’elenco dei 49 veicoli a basse emissioni e di facile reperibilità attualmente sul mercato.


The GVI results will empower the consumer and strengthen the demand side. This will be achieved by informing the consumers through the involved (inter)national consumer organisation and the strong link to Euro NCAP. This GVI project will be the catalyst and initiator for a fully-fledged Green NCAP program, which will help consumers, authorities and all other stakeholders to identify if a vehicle truly is clean and energy efficient.
GVI’s vision is: ‘The highest standard is attributed to a car that maximises the reduction of its own pollutants and greenhouse gasses and, at the same time, operates at minimised fossil fuel consumption and/or maximised energy efficiency under real-world conditions during its life time.’
The GVI project will independently assess the full environmental performance of a vehicle in the most comprehensive manner. It is of paramount importance that complex test procedures and results are converted into independent, meaningful and comprehensive information for consumers that can easily be understood.
- To develop a holistic assessment methodology of a vehicle’s environmental performance over the vehicle’s useful life - including a complete set of test protocols and test procedures with the aim to independently test vehicles and assess the full environmental performance;
- To develop an independent rating system based on developed testing protocols, for the assessment of new vehicles’ performance across multiple criteria (real world fuel consumption, noise, cost );
- To validate the overall methodology by conducting real world and laboratory testing and publish results of the 49 most readily available low emitting vehicles in the market;
- Improve the administrative and contractual conditions to run the vehicle environmental performance assessment program beyond the project’s duration;
- Maximising transparency by making detailed test results available to interested stakeholders to perform their own analysis and to spark competition.

Invito a presentare proposte


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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 338 750,00
43710 Santa Oliva

Mostra sulla mappa

Este Cataluña Tarragona
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 338 750,00

Partecipanti (20)