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Risultati finali
Public website of the project AVIATOR
Technical document describng the configuration used in measurement systems including methodolgy results and analisys of Season 2 campaign with and without alternative dropin fuel
A roadmap to identifying potential gaps in aircraft engine emissions regulationsA roadmap will be produced and iterated upon during the first year of the project as discussions between AVIATOR contributors and the regulatory community progress. The roadmap will be in the form of a report which will identify potential gaps in aircraft emissions regulations and the wider human health and local air quality regulations and provide initial directions for future regulation.
Data analysis of high-fidelity measurement campaigns and performance of low-cost sensors at Zurich and CopenhagenTechnical document containing the results and analisys of environment data acquired in Zurich and Copenhagen airport
Parameterizations of physical exhaust dynamics and comparison between model results and measurementsNumerical simulations will be performed with the CFD model CEDRE in order to study and compare the physical dynamics of the hot and turbulent exhaust of aircraft main engines for different meteorological conditions and load conditions of the engines Based on these results advanced parametrizations will be developed and tested to describe exhaust dynamics and the influence of wing vortices Moreover the Lagrangian particle model LASAT will be used to test parametrised dynamics to compare with detailed CFD simulations
A synthesis of the measurement and technical evidence in a form suitable for a regulatory policy contextThe synthesis document will provide an overview of the project outcomes from the technical work packages WP2 to WP6 written in a style suitable for policy makers in the regulatory community
Parameterizations of relevant UFP transformation processes and comparison between model results and measurementsNumerical model simulations will be performed with the aerosol dynamics model MADE3 model comprising boxmodelling studies along representative airmass trajectories in the airport environment as provided by the CEDRE model Along those trajectories transformation of particles will be studied leading to a detailed representation of possible and relevant processes Observed particle characteristics will be compared with modelled values Based on these results parameterizations will be tested which enable to describe simulated changes in particle properties as a function of meteorological background and exhaust conditions
Literature survey on particulate matter, comprising UFP microphysical and chemical transformation processes and connected regulatory issuesA literature survey will be conducted to review existing publications on research relating to particulate matter measurements, as well as modelling. A particular focus will be placed on ultra-fine particles (UFP) microphysical and chemical transformation processes, involving particle growth, mixing, coagulation, as well as nucleation. An overview on main aspects of regulatory issues will be provided, based on current national and European regulation.
Report and analysis of data from Season 1 campaignTechnical document describng the configuration used in measurement systems including methodolgy results and analisys of Season 1 campaign
Summary of outline agendas for improved regulation of aircraft emissions aligned to the needs and current understanding of air qualityBoth the roadmap and the synthesis report will be used to provide an outline agenda for improved regulation identifying potential pathways for bridging regulatory gaps
Inter-comparison between modelled and measured key pollutants concentrationsModelled concentrations of the key pollutants such as UFP NOx and SOx will be compared to those measured in WP4 at the two airports Particular attention will be given to resolve differences between modelled values which only consider emissions from aircraft main engines and APU while the measured concentrations include contributions from other airport sources and the background Therefore suitable schemes will be applied for a meaningful comparison including upwinddownwind measurements correlations with wind direction polar plots and information from background stations
Data analysis and report on Season 1 high-fidelity campaignTechnical document containing the results and analisys of environment data acquired in Madrid airport during first season
Data analysis and report on Season 2 high-fidelity campaignTechnical document containing the results and analisys of environment data acquired in Madrid airport during second season
A series of policy briefs and working papers will be produced specifically orientated towards the needs of the decision making and regulatory communities. These will be developed from key outcome reports of the technical workpackages.
D. Kilic, P.I. Williams, V. Archilla-Prat, D. Raper & S. Lopez
Pubblicato in:
Making Aviation Environmentally Sustainable, Numero ECATS 3rd International conference, 2020, ISBN 978-1-910029-58-9
Raje, Fiona and Raper, David
Pubblicato in:
Joint publication of AVIATOR, RAPTOR and TUBE, 2020
Manchester Metropolitan University
U. Janicke, E. Montreuil, W. Ghedhaïfi & E. Terrenoire
Pubblicato in:
Making Aviation Environmentally Sustainable, Numero 3rd International conference, 2020, Pagina/e 20, ISBN 978-1-910029-58-9
E. Montreuil, S. Matthes, F. Garnier, V. Archilla-Prat, W. Ghedhaïfi, M. Righi & E. Terrenoire
Pubblicato in:
MAKING AVIATION ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE, Numero ECATS 3rd International Conference, 2020, ISBN 978-1-910029-58-9
V. Archilla-Prat, D. Hormigo, J. Sánchez-Valdepeñas, M. Sánchez-García, P. Moreno, A. Crayford, M. Pujadas, J. Rodríguez-Maroto, I. Ibarra, E. Rojas, D. Raper & M. Johnson
Pubblicato in:
MAKING AVIATION ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE, Numero ECATS 3rd International Conference, 2020, ISBN 978-1-910029-58-9
Víctor Archilla, Dévora Hormigo, María Sánchez-García, David Raper
Pubblicato in:
MATEC Web of Conferences, Numero 304, 2019, Pagina/e 02023, ISSN 2261-236X
M.J. Pascoe, A. Robertson, A. Crayford, E. Durand, J. Steer, A. Castelli, R. Wesgate, S.L. Evans, A. Porch, J-Y. Maillard
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Hospital Infection, Numero 106/1, 2020, Pagina/e 10-19, ISSN 0195-6701
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd.
Eliot Durand, Prem Lobo, Andrew Crayford, Yura Sevcenco, Simon Christie
Pubblicato in:
Fuel, 2021, Pagina/e 1-10, ISSN 1873-7153
Enrique Rojas García
Pubblicato in:
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