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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

PREparing for a Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy

Descrizione del progetto

Cooperazione Africa-UE sulle energie rinnovabili

L’aumento della popolazione, l’industrializzazione sostenuta e la crescente urbanizzazione provocano l’incremento della domanda di energia in Africa. Per sostenere ulteriormente lo sviluppo, l’Africa dovrebbe sfruttare meglio il potenziale delle energie rinnovabili. Il progetto PRE-LEAP-RE, finanziato dall’UE, intende gettare le basi per future attività di collaborazione tra l’Africa e l’UE nel campo delle energie rinnovabili. Guidato dal Commissariato per l’energia atomica e le energie alternative francese, il progetto riunisce 17 partner in Africa e in Europa, impegnati a rafforzare il quadro generale di cooperazione nel campo della scienza, della tecnologia e dell’innovazione. I partner creeranno le condizioni adeguate per trasformare la ricerca in innovazione efficace, adattata alle diverse esigenze, capacità e aspirazioni delle società africane.


Africa is still poor in energy supply even if impressively endowed by energy resources. Facing the global climate change, the continent will become increasingly energy demanding due to its growing population and economy, both claiming access to reliable, clean and affordable energy services. Therefore, Africa cannot lose momentum to exploit the potential of renewable energies (RE) to unleash local development. One effective way to support this transformation is by empowering local research and innovation through co-development relaying on international cooperation. This approach is the pillar of this CSA, which will create the conditions to transform research into effective innovation, tailored to the diverse needs, capacities and aspirations of African societies. By adopting a Theory of Change’ framework, the CSA is specifically focused on three actions:
• Elaborating a review of past and current Africa-Europe collaborative initiatives in the field of RE to enable effective synergies with on-going activities, and identify research and capacity needs while avoiding duplication of efforts.
• Designing technological and social innovation research pathways in compliance with the Knowledge Triangle, catalysing thus education, research and innovation. While maintaining the core focus on Technology, the pathways will be comprehensive of essential elements for long term sustainability such as business models, capacity building, financial schemes and regulatory frameworks. The Research Agenda will be thus complemented by a Human and Institutional Capacity Building Agenda and by proper organisational and funding principles for an efficient governance of the forthcoming Joint Programme.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 107 420,00
75015 PARIS 15

Mostra sulla mappa

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 107 420,00

Partecipanti (16)