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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

The Game Changer of Physiotherapy towards Arthrosis Prevention


Intelligente selbstlernende Technologie für die Rehabilitation von Knieverletzungen

Jedes Jahr werden Millionen Knieverletzungen registriert, die eine umfangreiche Physiotherapie und/oder eine Operation erfordern. Das Kerngeschäft des französischen E-Health-Unternehmens SmartR ist die Entwicklung von Technologien für die Genesung von durch Knieverletzungen betroffenen Personen. Das neueste Produkt ist eine intelligente Knieschiene mit selbstlernender Technologie, die mit einer mobilen Anwendung verbunden ist, den Rehabilitationsprozess unterstützt und Rückfälle während der Behandlung verhindert. Die selbstlernenden Algorithmen helfen physiotherapeutischen Fachkräften bei einem schnellen Feedback. Die Datenerfassung bleibt unter der Kontrolle der betroffenen Person, und die Gesundheitsdienstleister erhalten dynamische Informationen, die während der gesamten Erholungsphase erfasst werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt PANDA wird die technischen, kommerziellen und finanziellen Durchführbarkeitsstudien zur Unterstützung der Produktentwicklung durchführen.


SmartR is a French e-health company that uses cutting-edge technologies to provide advanced solutions for the management of functional rehabilitation over the world. PANDA project started in October of 2016 with the aim to allow rehab patients to access to personalized support, close to that of professional sportsmen without constraint, for a fraction of the current price of rehab. PANDA will benefit the entire healthcare system, loweing costs for public and private insurances by 70%. Our core business is to ensure a quality recovery of patients during knee rehab in optimal conditions, for both patients and professionals (e.g. physiotherapists). Our product comes to devise an intelligent system that assist patients in rehab, providing them increased autonomy, and to accelerate recovery from knee disorders by 30%. The project has started in touch with physiotherapists and sport doctors, transmitting us their demands for more effective rehab treatment, and what patients need to better and faster recovery from functional disorders. We believe joint with collaborating doctors' support the optimized version of our system will potentially will upgraded towards Arthrosis prevention. For the present scope, e aim to reach the physiotherapy and knee rehab market which, in Europe, it is estimated that 40M patients undergoing knee rehab programs each year (400,000 patients in France, with 80,000 physiotherapists). As patients represent a greater share of the market than healthcare professionals, we will aim to reach patients through various channels, establishing commercial agreements with health insurance companies and pharmacies to offer our product; also, through physiotherapists and specialized rehab clinics – also considered end-users of PANDA – to recommend our product. Accordingly, we are expecting, in a 5-year period of PANDA commercialization in Europe and overseas, to generate €17.1M revenues and €12.2 profit, and ROI of 3.1.

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