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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Homo Juridicus: Correcting Law's Behavioural Illiteracy


Die Wirksamkeit des Rechts steigern

Juristische Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass eine strenge Bestrafung niemanden von rechtswidrigen Handlungen abhält. Interventionsmaßnahmen, die eine Verhaltensänderung der Häftlinge fördern, sind zwar wirkungsvoller, eine neue Gesetzgebung hat jedoch zu härteren Strafen geführt. Der Grund dafür ist, dass Rechtssysteme die zentrale Rolle, die das Verhalten spielt, nicht anerkennen und keine verhaltensrechtlichen Theorie entwickelt haben. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt HomoJuridicus wird untersuchen, wie Gesetze Rechtwidrigkeiten beeinflussen. Es wird Fehler und Vorurteile analysieren, welche die Sichtweisen der Anwaltschaft beeinflussen und eine verhaltensbezogene Rechtsprechung erarbeiten, mit der die Wirksamkeit des Rechts bei der Verbesserung des Verhaltens gesteigert wird.


Recent scientific research has revolutionised our understanding of how law can reduce misconduct. It shows that legal incentives are often flawed, and that strict punishment alone cannot deter misbehaviour. It offers a new approach for law to address wrongdoing, incorporating social norms and morals, tapping into unconscious cognition, and applying practical and technical interventions that obstruct misconduct. Yet, these fundamental insights continue to be ignored, and with every new disaster, scandal or major risk, we produce more rules with stronger punishment, without successfully addressing the true behavioural mechanisms at fault. The core problem is that the field of law has not made conduct central, nor produced a behavioural legal theory to guide these scientific insights into legal research, education and practice. As a result, legal rules to code conduct are made and operated by lawyers that are behaviourally illiterate. The proposed research will instigate the necessary behavioural revolution in the field of law. To do so, it will develop a behavioural jurisprudence through three steps. First, it will provide a comprehensive synthesis of the scientific insights about how legal rules affect misconduct. Second, it will empirically analyse flaws and biases in the behavioural assumptions of lawyers tasked with addressing misconduct. This will produce a fundamental critique of existing legal thinking, to be summarized in the Homo Juridicus, shorthand for the flawed legal model of human conduct just like behavioural economics helped produce the Homo Economicus to show the fallacies in traditional economic thinking. Third, the research will synthesize this into a behavioural jurisprudence offering a normative framework that makes successful internalization of positive conduct central in the field of law, and that guides legal research and education to incorporate the social science to enhance the effectiveness of law to improve behaviour.

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