Descripción del proyecto
Un análisis más profundo de las solicitudes de asilo según la libertad religiosa
La libertad religiosa (es decir, la libertad de tener, o no tener, y practicar, o no practicar, alguna religión) es un derecho fundamental de acuerdo con el derecho internacional. En Asia meridional, aquellos que cuestionan o no se adhieren a la religión dominante pueden enfrentarse a graves problemas, como persecuciones que les obligan a huir y buscar asilo en otros países. El proyecto ROSA, financiado con fondos europeos, intentará responder a lo siguiente: ¿cuáles son las circunstancias específicas en las que evoluciona la crítica centrada en estas comunidades y opiniones? Este estudio investigará las premisas en las que se basan las respuestas de los países europeos a los casos en los que los solicitantes buscan asilo debido al inconformismo religioso. Se aplicará más allá de Asia meridional y examinará las implicaciones mundiales de las acciones y los debates críticos que se están llevando a cabo.
Those who question or do not conform to dominant local religious tradition(s) and/or religion as such have, of course, faced serious problems and difficulties in a number of different historical periods and locations. This project examines the forms in which individuals and communities raise, in the open or in more hidden transcripts, questions over the dominant religious norms in South Asia. This project is also interested in how such people are being targeted as distinct minorities by various religious and political groups. However, the effects of these encounters extend beyond this region: a significant number of community members now seek asylum in European countries. In consequence, these countries are now debating whether, or to what extent, varieties of religious non-conformism can be legitimate reasons for granting asylum.
While much recent academic work has focused on religious revivalism and reformist movements, critical engagement and sceptical attitudes towards dominant religious norms in South Asia are so far under-researched. A key aim of this study is to correct this absence and thereby to transform our understanding of the kinds of positions, individuals and communities that flourish but also, and critically, face challenges and provoke social contentions in South Asia. It will provide three national ‘deep contextualisations’ of debates and criticism faced by secularists and religious sceptics in South Asia, asking: What are the specific circumstances in which criticism targeting these communities and positions evolve? This study also investigates the assumptions that inform European countries’ responses to cases in which asylum is sought on the basis of claimants’ religious nonconformism, and also those informing advocacy work performed by global secular networks on their behalf. Thus, while this project is ethnographically grounded in South Asia, it also extends beyond this region to examine global implications of critical debates and actions that are taking place there.
Ámbito científico
CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.
CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.
Régimen de financiación
ERC-COG - Consolidator GrantInstitución de acogida
15782 Santiago De Compostela