CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Road to Friday of Science 2.0


Erhalt des Kulturerbes in Serbien

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ReFocuS 2.0 wird den Wert des Kulturerbes und der natürlichen Ressourcen in der Gesellschaft wieder anheben und dabei die wichtige Rolle von Gemeinschaften bei dem Erhalt und der Verwaltung ihres Kulturerbes und der natürlichen Umgebung betonen. Das Projekt wird die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit auf die Synergien zwischen Bildung, Kultur- und Naturerbe und nachhaltiger Entwicklung ziehen. ReFocuS 2.0 wird das Verständnis der Bürgerinnen und Bürger für die Arbeit von Forschenden vertiefen, wirksame Bildung zum Erbe bieten und die kulturelle Vielfalt als Fundament nachhaltiger Entwicklung fördern. Es wird Veranstaltungen (Nächte der Forschung 2018 und 2019) mit der aktiven Teilnahme von Forschenden organisieren, um junge Menschen und Erwachsene an öffentlichen Orten, in Museen, an archäologischen Stätten und in Wissenschaftsclubs in zwölf serbischen Städten anzusprechen.


The aim of Road to Friday of Science (ReFocuS 2.0) project is to refocus and promote the value of cultural heritage and natural resources to society and highlight the important role that communities play in preserving and managing their cultural heritage and natural environment. The potential that cultural heritage offers is enormous, and beneficial to everyone. Following the EU and UNESCO tendencies and guidelines which recognize the importance of cultural and natural heritage as an indicator and facilitator of the social development, we refocus public attention to synergy of education, cultural and natural heritage, and sustainable development. The other aim of the project is to pay more attention to: academics to share their knowledge and work with broader public and this way to provide effective heritage education, young people to keep the national treasures and protect national heritage, and general audience to be aware of cultural diversity as a fundamental component of sustainable development.
The ReFocuS project named “Past means Future” consists of two parts: Night 2018 will be focused on “Past”, while Night 2019 will be focused on “Future”. Cultural heritage and natural resources are based on aspects of our past that we cherish, want to keep and pass on to future generations and outside world.
Researchers will participate in a wide range of activities developed for and aimed at young people and adults. The activities will take place in venues such as old streets and houses, museums, archaeological sites, fortress, science clubs, and libraries in twelve Serbian cities with the aim of showing the relevance of their work to our everyday lives as well as engaging ordinary people with research and bringing research to unusual places. Workshops, lectures, exhibitions, conversations and film screening about the cultural and natural heritage of Serbia will be organized within the local Science Clubs.


€ 61 000,00
18 000 Nis

Auf der Karte ansehen

Србија - југ Регион Јужне и Источне Србије Нишавска област
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 62 500,00

Beteiligte (3)