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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Deep Integration Agreements


Besseres Verständnis strittiger Aspekte moderner Handelsabkommen

Der Schwerpunkt moderner Handelsabkommen – wie beispielsweise die Transatlantische Handels- und Investitionspartnerschaft (TTIP) und das Umfassende Wirtschafts- und Handelsabkommen (CETA) – liegt nicht mehr auf der Liberalisierung des Handels, sondern auf nichttarifären Hemmnissen. Das Ziel ist dabei, eine breitere wirtschaftliche Integration zu erreichen. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts DIA sollen Abkommen wie diese, die eine tiefgreifende Integration beabsichtigen, sowie darin enthaltene strittige Aspekte untersucht werden. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf Bestimmungen zum Investorenschutz, zur Zusammenarbeit in Regulierungsfragen wie im Forum für regulatorische Kooperation des CETA und zum Schutz der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums mit dem Schwerpunkt auf handelsbezogenen Aspekten der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums.


This project aims to improve our understanding of deep integration agreements, which have generated an extraordinary amount of controversy in recent years. Unlike ordinary trade agreements, deep integration agreements do not just focus on reducing tariff barriers but seek to achieve much broader economic integration. Prominent examples include the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiated between the EU and the US and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) negotiated between the EU and Canada.

I proceed in three complementary parts, focusing on the most controversial deep integration issues. In a first part, I consider provisions regarding investor protection including the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System. My ambition is to provide a comprehensive theoretical treatment of international investment agreements, which sheds light on their fundamental purpose and assesses their real-world design. In a second part, I turn to efforts towards regulatory cooperation such as CETA’s Regulatory Cooperation Forum. Here, my goal is again to provide a broad theoretical analysis, which identifies the scope for regulatory cooperation and makes suggestions for their real-world design. In a third part, I study intellectual property rights protection, specifically the agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). In particular, I propose to take a canonical model of intellectual property rights agreements to the data and quantitatively assess the efficiency and equity implications of TRIPS.


Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 433 280,63
8006 Zurich

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Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Zürich Zürich
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 433 280,63

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