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Harmonised Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation


Eine umfassende Renovierung des Gebäudebestands mithilfe der Gebäudeinformationsmodellierung

Der heutige Bausektor setzt zunehmend neue Technologien ein. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die sogenannte Gebäudeinformationsmodellierung (BIM). Dabei handelt es sich um die digitale Darstellung der physischen und funktionalen Merkmale von Objekten. Sie spielt bei Planung, Entwurf und Konstruktion von Strukturen und Gebäuden eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt BIM-SPEED allen Interessengruppen die Möglichkeit geben, BIM bei umfassenden Renovierungsprojekten einzusetzen, um den Zeitaufwand um mindestens 30 % zu senken. Konkret wird es dazu eine erschwingliche Cloud-Plattform für BIM sowie verschiedene BIM-Werkzeuge bereitstellen. Zudem wird es die Interoperabilität einer ganzen Reihe von BIM-Werkzeugen erleichtern. Das Projekt wird seine ganzheitliche Lösung an 12 realen Demonstrationsfällen veranschaulichen.


‘BIM for renovation of existing residential building stock’ has been proven viable in innovative pilot projects by the members of BIM-SPEED consortium, among others in H2020 Smart Cities. The mission of BIM-SPEED is to take ‘BIM for renovation’ to a deep renovation level for at least 60% energy saving, and to accelerate the market uptake across the EU. In line with its mission, BIM-SPEED aims to enable all stakeholders to adopt BIM to reduce the time of deep renovation projects by at least 30% by providing them with: 1) an affordable BIM cloud platform, 2) a set of inter-operable BIM tools, and 3) standardised procedures for As-Built data acquisition, modelling, simulation, implementation and maintenance of renovation solutions. BIM-SPEED relies on a trans-disciplinary approach comprising (i) process, (ii) ICT, and (iii) social innovation with a special attention to the stakeholders as a key success factor for BIM adoption. The interoperability of a full range of BIM tools for renovation will be accommodated on an innovative BIM cloud platform, which will be launched and available free-of-charge for all stakeholders immediately from the beginning of the BIM-SPEED project. BIM-SPEED will engineer the seamless integration and quick installation of building and HVAC products for renovation into the existing buildings. Such Plug-and-Play solutions are crucial for the overall time reduction. BIM-SPEED consortium represents all players in the renovation market. Throughout a 4-year project duration, BIM-SPEED will demonstrate the holistic solution in 12 real demonstration cases. An EU-wide BIM Competition will be jointly organised by the European umbrella organisations in all disciplines (architects, HVAC engineers and construction firms) to kick-off the first market replication in more than 200 BIM-based renovation projects. BIM-SPEED will benefit from the membership of buildingSMART standardisation platform and the EU BIM Task Group to harmonize best EU practices.

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