Statistische Instrumente helfen bei der optimierten Kabelverlegung in Flugzeugen
Mit dem Übergang zu elektrisch betriebenen Flugzeugen sollten die Auswirkungen elektromagnetischer Interferenzen auf die Konstruktion elektrischer Kabelverbindungssysteme verstärkt in den Blick genommen werden. Geringe Abstände sind am besten geeignet, um den Platzbedarf elektrischer Kabelverbindungssysteme in Flugzeugen zu minimieren, aber wenn Kabelgruppen zu nahe beieinander liegen, können sich ihre Signale gegenseitig stören. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts ANALYST wird untersucht, wie groß der Mindestabstand zwischen zwei parallel verlaufenden Bündeln elektrischer Kabel sein muss, damit es nicht zu elektrischen Störungen kommt. Dazu entwickelt das Forschungsteam statistische Simulationsmethoden, die Luftfahrtunternehmen dabei helfen sollen, die Kabel im Flugzeug optimal zu platzieren. Ihr Ansatz stellt eine Verlagerung von erfahrungsbasierten Regeln zu solchen dar, die auf numerischen Bewertungen beruhen.
The large density of cables transporting various signals due to the introduction of composite materials and the transition to a More Electrical Aircraft is nowadays increasing the complexity of the design from an EMC point of view. So that the evolution of regulations makes safety analysis mandatory for the EWIS, leading to the necessity to estimate the reliability of the wiring system together with the functions which are committed to it.
New EMC EWIS design rules and prototyping tools are needed to ensure the required very low rate of failure, without assuming too high design margins which could question expected gains at “global platform” level, increasing weight, installation complexity and cost.
ANALYST aims at developing and validating a numerical modelling methodology based on statistical approaches for the specific context of EM compatibility analysis of cable harnesses in aeronautics.
The following main goals will be pursued:
• Development of a statistical harness modelling methodology, suitable to catch real-life complexity of aircraft installed harness (of the order of 40.000 cables, 10.000 electrical links)
• Demonstration, evaluation of effectiveness and validation of the methodology; different modelling approaches, referring to state of the art solutions and innovations will be compared and validated with respect to measurement data.
• Integration of the finally selected modelling approach in a CAE Framework, already equipped with the workflows and procedures needed to properly manage the wiring complexity of real aircraft.
The solution has been identified in a fundamentally original approach, assuming to definitely consider the not-deterministic nature of the above mentioned problem, looking for a statistical description and extreme value assessment of the relevant physical parameters (currents, voltages, power) linked to statistical descriptions of the involved variables/environment (cable bundle geometry, installation conditions, etc.).
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- natural sciencesphysical scienceselectromagnetism and electronicselectromagnetism
- engineering and technologymechanical engineeringvehicle engineeringaerospace engineeringaircraft
- engineering and technologymechanical engineeringvehicle engineeringaerospace engineeringaeronautical engineering
- natural sciencesmathematicsapplied mathematicsstatistics and probability
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91120 Palaiseau