CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

MIGOSA - Image Sensor for low light Camera Applications


Extrem lichtschwacher Bildsensor nähert sich der Marktreife

Elektronische Fotosensoren haben Filme in Digitalkameras ersetzt. Trotz ihres jahrzehntelangen Einsatzes ist deren Bildqualität bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen nicht zufriedenstellend. Das finnische Unternehmen Pixpolar Oy hat einen neuen Bildsensortyp namens Modified Internal Gate (MIG) entwickelt und patentieren lassen, der im Vergleich zu bestehenden Bildsensortechnologien eine bessere Bildqualität bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen liefert. Mit MIG-Bildsensoren ausgestattete Kameras erweitern den maximalen Erfassungsbereich um das 1,6-fache und sind unempfindlich gegenüber elektromagnetischen Störungen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MIGOSA zielt darauf ab, diese MIG-Bildsensoren für schlechte Lichtverhältnisse weiter zu testen und sie der Marktreife näher zu bringen. Die Sensoren könnten in Sicherheits- und Überwachungskameras sowie Nachtsichtkameras in zahlreichen Branchen zum Einsatz kommen.


Challenge: One of the biggest global challenges in the low-light camera applications e.g. in the video
surveillance is the need to significantly improve image quality and identification in low light. Even software
enhanced low light images remain blurred and are unsuited to automated image-recognition demonstrating
the need to develop more efficient image sensors.
Solution: Cameras with Pixpolar’s low light image sensor (MIG technology) capture both visible light and
Near Infra-Red (NIR) light that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Cameras equipped with MIG image sensors extend 1.6 times the maximum detection range compared to existing technology. It allows superior identification of objects, and is immune to interference. It also allows a 80% reduction in illumination cost or 60% reduction in the number of cameras required for area surveillance at cost lower than the cost of present technology. A prototype MIG pixel has been made, tested and validated.
Business opportunity: MIG image sensor is a game changing technology. The advantages of the MIG
technology enables Pixpolar to enter the large global image sensor market (USD 15.2B by 2020). The MIG
technology was demonstrated in Horizon 2020 Phase 1 to many camera producers and camera end
users. They all saw great market opportunity in embedding MIG image sensors in their cameras. A solid
business case can be secured by targeting first 5-10 camera manufacturers, from which further business
expansion can be nurtured. In February 2018 the business case was also endorsed by an investment of 2 million EUR from an international investor consortium.
The purpose of the MIGOSA project: To accomplish test production of low light MIG image sensors and to start the commercialization of the image sensors. This will open the large business potential in the fields of Security and Surveillance (S&S), night vision, maritime and scientific markets as well as later in the automotive, aviation, drone, industrial, and medical markets.

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