Neue Strategien für städtische Hafengebiete
Der Klimawandel hat die Häufigkeit und Intensität von Stürmen und Überschwemmungen sowie von Hochwasser und dem Meeresspiegelanstieg erhöht. Diese wetterbedingten Ereignisse machen die städtischen Hafengebiete anfällig. Damit wächst der Bedarf an Maßnahmen zur Anpassung und Umgestaltung. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt sosclimatewaterfront lokale und internationale Sachverständige zusammenbringen, um erschwingliche und effiziente Instrumente zu entwickeln, mit denen die künftigen Herausforderungen bei der Steuerung, Anpassung und Abschwächung der durch die zunehmende Zahl von Katastrophen bedingten Auswirkungen besser bewältigt werden können. Insgesamt zielt das Projekt darauf ab, nachhaltige Forschungsstrukturen zu verbessern, um neue Strategien zu finden. So wird unser Verständnis dafür verbessert, auf welche Weise Stadtplanung, architektonische Gestaltung und Technologie in wasserbezogenen Strategien miteinander verknüpft sind.
sosclimatewaterfront mission is to develop affordable research environment and efficient operational tools at ULHT/LEAU and HEI partners by creating a Doctorate Consortium’s to face the effects of climate change.
The aim is to make use of the existing strategic network to enhance the research carried on in the field of urban waterfronts. To face the future challenges in managing, adapting and mitigating the effect brought by the increasing number of disasters, ULHT/LEAU has been cooperating with HEI partners to produce and disseminate solutions, that enhance resilience.
The research network will reinforce the dynamic partnerships and increase the quality and technologic innovations of the research, to design tools, to face the growing costs imposed by disasters.
S.O.S. waterfront enables ULHT/LEAU and HEI partners to bring excellence in research to a higher level and to improve its international position.
To reach excellence requires the call for (1) interdisciplinary and international research case studies, (2) steady sustainable research structure, (3) dissemination and open access of knowledge covered by different cultures, sciences and communities in each location.
The organization of data of comparative cases and algorithms will be used to provide future scenarios thus reinforcing the centre of our research project.
Our work methodology has been attracting the collaboration of top researchers which S.O.S. waterfront aims to gather in the exchange of knowledge and joint initiatives to produce results that are valuable to Europe and applicable worldwide.
The Doctorate Consortium will build up trans-national collaborative events with local Municipalities to produce results .
The measures to reach scientific innovation and excellence are implemented and verified in each step. The continuous exposure of the results produced by design research includes exhibition, publications, media and digital platforms to reach wider audiences, local and global.
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