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A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - DIH² (A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-10-01 bis 2023-06-30

The DIH² Established a Europe wide network of Robotics DIHs to ensure that all the knowledge and technologies developed for robotics in Agile Production over the years become available for exploitation, creating a systematic methodology for rapid commercialization of solutions. Ensuring ‘a working distance’ access to developed knowledge and technologies, along with non-technical services, for every Manufacturing SME in Europe - whichever the sector, wherever the location, whatever the size. The project adopted a Common Open Platform Reference Architecture for Agile Production (COPRA-AP) which follows a modular and inclusive ‘platform of platforms’ vision, fostering the adoption of common system platforms components and engaging in the development of industry-led standards - following a driven-by implementation approach via the Industrial Alliance for Standardization on Agile Production. The project contributed in preparing the workforce for the digital future by fostering training of all the actors involved in the implementation of agile production approaches within the manufacturing domain. It further created a framework to constantly monitor and adequately address the regulatory framework regarding ethics and social issues blocking the innovations and offering new opportunities in Agile Production, including data privacy and protection and cyber-security issues.
DIH² project started as a network of 26 DIHs, with a target to reach over 170 DIHs. The sole aim of the network is to spark incremental and disruptive innovations in the field of robotics for agile production. The network launched 2 competitive Open Calls to carry out 26 cross-border Technology Transfer Experiments. Through these experiments DIH² systematically targeted standardization in the field of agile production by developing a Common Open Platform Reference Architecture for Agile Production (COPRA-AP) -based on Industrial Data Space Reference Architecture Model and FIWARE technologies- to serve the needs of SMEs by means of a continuously growing set of Robotic-based Open Standard Enablers (ROSE-AP).
DIH² project launched the calls to expand the membership and the outreach of the network reaching 115 members from 34 European countries. DIH² network will continue to operate as a self-sustainable non-profit association with members all over Europe. DIH² will continue to demonstrate that public funded research can help SMEs & Mid-Caps achieve digital excellence and global competitiveness through adopting advanced robotics solutions in Agile Production.
The project has published success stories from each of the Technology Transfer Experiments and stories of its regional representatives termed as Local Evangelists in Robotics (LERs) motivating many more DIHs to share their success in the network. Through connections with other DIHs, every member DIH no matter how small, have access to best robotics technology and solutions.
The DIH² also created a startup program (DIH² Factor) which will continue to operate and provide scaleup opportunities for European robotics startups in the field of Agile Production.