CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Transversal Exploratory Research Activities for Railway


Der Eisenbahnsektor gewinnt an Boden

Europa ist dank Innovationen und politischer Fortschritte auf dem Weg, seine Ziele im Hinblick auf einen ressourcenschonende und wettbewerbsfähigeren Eisenbahnsektor zu erreichen. Mit der Einrichtung eines einheitlichen europäischen Eisenbahnraums durch erhebliche Investitionen in die Schieneninfrastruktur ebnet die Europäische Kommission hierfür den Weg. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt TER4RAIL führt Interessengruppen im Bereich des Schienenverkehrs zusammen und ermittelt neue innovative Forschungsmöglichkeiten. Es ermöglicht zudem die gegenseitige Bereicherung mit Kenntnissen aus anderen Disziplinen durch die Beobachtungsstelle des sogenannten Rail Innovative Research Observatory. Das Ziel ist die Auswahl, Zusammenfassung und Verbreitung von Informationen. Das generelle Vorhaben besteht darin, hinsichtlich der Entwicklung des Schienenverkehrs zum Referenzprojekt für Koordinierungs- und Unterstützungsmaßnahmen zu werden.


The Shift2Rail Multi Annual Action Plan (MAAP) will play a central role in the establishment of future interoperable railway systems suitable for European society and environment. However, it is necessary to be aware of the novel possibilities that can enable an increasingly sustainable progress in this regard.
TER4RAIL will identify and monitor new opportunities for innovative research and facilitate the cross-fertilisation of knowledge from other disciplines, at what is referred to as the Rail Innovative Research Observatory. Permanent contact with other relevant sectors will have a prominent role in importing disruptive perspectives from other disciplines and facilitating interactions.
TER4RAIL will determine and assess the existing roadmaps that drive the future of railways and compare them with the interpretations obtained from the observatory. This analysis will indicate the gaps that require to be covered and serve as the anchor for the prospective roadmaps.
TER4RAIL considers railways as the backbone of future European mobility, as stated in the rail sector’s European Railway Research Advisory Council’s (ERRAC) Rail 2050 Vision published in December 2017, and therefore, it is necessary that TER4RAIL raise arguments that can sustain this essential system. To that end, data analysis and statistical reporting are foreseen and conducted.
Finally, the work performed under TER4RAIL will be communicated to the transport community, liaising with the Shift2Rail communication team with a correlated communication strategy. A strategy of exploitation of the results will guarantee that these are properly employed in this area with maximum impact.
TER4RAIL will be able to select and synthetize a considerable amount of information regarding railways’ futures and transmit them in a consolidated, improved, clear, and understandable manner. This should facilitate the realisation of TER4RAIL’s ambition of being the CSA of reference for the evolution of EU railways.

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