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Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2

Descripción del proyecto

La transición hacia una infraestructura ferroviaria mejor

Los cambios con cruzamientos son componentes fundamentales de las redes ferroviarias, pues permiten a los trenes pasar de una vía a otra. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos IN2TRACK2 trabaja en tres subproyectos relacionados con los cambios con cruzamientos, el sistema de vía y la infraestructura de puentes y túneles. Este proyecto trabaja en el diseño de un sistema nuevo relacionado con los cambios y cruzamientos que mejorará el rendimiento de la red ferroviaria. Sus responsables científicos estudiarán también métodos nuevos de reparación y mantenimiento de las infraestructuras de túneles y puentes. El proyecto se propone reducir costes, aumentar la seguridad e impulsar el transporte ferroviario de pasajeros en Europa, logrando que sea una opción fiable, económica y puntual.


The IN2TRACK2 proposal addresses the topic of “Research into optimised and future railway infrastructure” of the 2018 HORIZON 2020 SHIFT2RAIL Call for proposals for the Joint Undertaking Members (S2R-CFM-IP3-01-2018). IN2TRACK2 deals with rail infrastructure sub-system and covers all the works on Switch & Crossing (S&C), Track and Structures (Bridges and Tunnels) included in the SHIFT2RAIL Innovation Programme 3 (including the project IN2TRACK) and contributes to the full longer-term SHIFT2RAIL objectives. IN2TRACK2 represents the opportunity to choose some high-risk, innovative activities from the current SHIFT2RAIL work programme for development under intensive collaboration as the right path for success.
IN2TRACK2 aims to reduce lifecycle costs, improve reliability and punctuality, whilst increasing capacity, enhancing interoperability and improving the customer experience. The structure of the work plan is designed around the development of a certain number of well-focused technological innovations in several areas (S&C, Track and Structures), each and all together, will contribute to achieve the desired impact at the overall railway system level.
The IN2TRACK2 proposal is organised around three technical sub-projects, which are interconnected: S&C, Track and Structures. S&C activities aim at both improving the operational performance of existing S&C and providing radical new S&C system solutions that deliver a step-change in performance of the asset. The IN2TRACK2 Track activities aim at both exploring new track construction to optimise the today track system and improving the track system substantially to provide a step change in performance. The IN2TRACK 2 Bridges and Tunnels activities aim at improving methods and repair techniques to reduce costs, improve quality and extend the service life of structures. By enhancing S&C, Track and Structures, IN2TRACK2 contributes to all of the expected impacts identified in the Shift2Rail Annual Work Plan 2018.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 817 734,17
Reino Unido

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London Inner London — West Camden and City of London
Tipo de actividad
Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (41)