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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Sens Solutions Smart Disinfection Platform for Legionella Prevention in Hospital and Hotel water heating & cooling systems.


Hightech gegen die Legionärskrankheit

Das Bakterium Legionella verursacht die Legionärskrankheit, eine schwere Lungenentzündung, die zu 50 % tödlich verläuft. Wenn Legionellen in Wassersystemen von Krankenhäusern und Hotels vorkommen, führt dies zu Ausbrüchen, die in Europa jedes Jahr etwa 2 000 Menschenleben kosten. Für das Gesundheitswesen entstehen dadurch Ausgaben in Höhe von 1 Mrd. EUR, da die zeitaufwändige mikrobiologische Analyse durch Probenahme vor Ort die medizinische Behandlung um 13 Tage verzögert. Nun wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt Hydro-S3DP eine bahnbrechende Lösung in Form einer Desinfektionsplattform für die Legionellenprävention in Wasserheiz- und -kühlsystemen von Krankenhäusern und Hotels auf den Markt bringen. Sie basiert auf dem Internet der Dinge und kombiniert virtuelle und physische Sensoren mit Big Data, maschinellen Lernverfahren sowie Hightech-Desinfektionssystemen. Außerdem ermöglicht sie die Erkennung von Legionellen in nur zwei Stunden und einen sofortigen Beginn der Desinfektionsbehandlung.


Legionella is responsible for around 2000 deaths in Europe every year, resulting in a direct cost of 1B€/year for EU healthcare systems including working days lost and those numbers increase by 9% every year. In 2015, 7034 Legionella outbreaks have been occurring in the whole Europe with a fatality rate reaching up 50% in the hospital-acquired infections and 50% of the outbreak cases associated with holidays associated facilities. Up to now, the Legionella detection is performed through in situ sampling and analysis in Microbiology Laboratories, delaying the results and any possible actuation by 13 days. Hydro-S3DP is a global secured IoT solution, combining virtual & physical sensors with Big Data Machine learning process and state-of-the-art disinfection systems that allows in-situ detection of Legionella proliferation and direct disinfection for bacterial treatment in water cooling & heating systems in less than 2h. Moreover, Hydro-S3DP acts directly on the lime deposition reduction within the cooling & heating system, allowing an energy bill saving up to 70 000€/year in hard water environment per building facility and an increase of the system life span from 5-8 to 25 years. All together, the EU market for hospital and hotel is estimated to be ~3.4B€/year. Upon commercialization of Hydro-S3DP in Spain and progressively in the rest of Europe sales are projected to reach 5.5M€ and to employ 12 people by 2022 (1.5 year after the end of the Phase II). More than an economical solution for cooling & heating systems, Hydro-S3DP responds to a challenge of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control by preventing any Legionella outbreaks as well as offering a solution for hospital and hotel to improve their energy efficiency in accordance with the COM(2016)860 Directive from the Energy Union, and ensure their water security.

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