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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Self-HEaling soft RObotics

Descrizione del progetto

Nuovi sistemi robotici morbidi che sentono il dolore e reagiscono guarendo automaticamente

Gli organismi viventi sono in grado di guarire quando vengono feriti, mentre i robot danneggiati devono essere sostituiti o riparati, il che non è sostenibile sotto il profilo ecologico ed economico. Il Green Deal europeo è un passo importante nella giusta direzione, così come il diritto alla riparazione. Il progetto SHERO, finanziato dall’UE, sta compiendo progressi tecnologici nei robot morbidi autorigeneranti, innovando l’intera catena del valore. I materiali coinvolti vanno al di là dei rivestimenti per arrivare a componenti strutturali 3D con diverse proprietà dei materiali. Una serie di tecnologie di produzione, fra cui la stampa 3D, produce componenti multimateriali. I sensori guaribili incorporati consentono di percepire i danni. Il progetto ha dimostrato che le pinze robotiche con controllo intelligente gravemente danneggiate potrebbero guarire e riacquistare le loro prestazioni originali.


"While artificial intelligence, robotics and computing power advance at a stunning pace, the physical interactions between such systems remain as an unsolved question. Replacement aftermarket parts for robotics account for $400 billion a year. This figure, comparable to the entire GDP of Belgium, could be reduced if smart materials were combined with robotics and AI to heal robotic parts or prevent damage. The natural healing function has inspired chemists to impart similar properties to synthetic materials, creating “self-healing materials"". These materials have the ability to recover their key-properties after damage through a self-healing (SH) mechanism. A broad range of SH materials has been developed, based on a variety of chemical and physical principles, and has led to innovative applications. While Europe was well positioned in the discovery of new SH materials, this project aims to take a leading position in an emerging area of application of these materials. In robotics and machines in general, SH materials and healing abilities have not yet been explored. This project will realize the scientifically ambitious and technologically concrete breakthroughs to exploit the combination of self-healing materials with (damage) sensing capabilities, intelligence and automated healing in soft robotics. This implies the design of anthropomorphic materials, capable of feeling pain. By intelligent control the inflicted damage will prompt the whole system to rest and heal before (more) serious damage occurs, restoring not only structural integrity by reattaching broken parts, but also restoring complex functions like sensing and actuation. To achieve this, dedicated SH materials will be synthesized and characterised, SH actuators and sensors will be created, and dedicated control intelligence for structural health monitoring and autonomous SH procedures will be investigated. All these technologies will be integrated in two demonstrators to disseminate the objectives."

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 144 250,00
1050 Bruxelles / Brussel

Mostra sulla mappa

Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 144 250,00

Partecipanti (4)