This deliverable provides the implementation report for the SCENE security framework implementation. It details the operation of SCENE security components (interactions, APIs, unitary tests and results).
Threat analysis and security services descriptionThis deliverable presents the results of a threat analysis (STRIDE-per-interaction) carried out on SCENE communications. From these results, the required SCENE security services are presented.
Pilots tests and validation analysisThe test scenarios for pilots are described with the validation scenarios, the metrics to assess SCENE performance and value, the pilot results.
Functional testing and integration reportA summary of the functional tests and integration results will be described. Then these results will be analyzed to provide an essential basis to next activities.
Dissemination reportThe report will summarize dissemination efforts. It will list all venues and channels used to reach target customers. It will outline pilot, workshop and conference preparation activities, profile of participants and achieved impact. A list of used digital channels will be included as well.
Privacy reportDefines rules for handling user data, anonymization and future use.
SCENE User ManualProvides a handbook for using the SCENE platform by the end-users.
Description of service platform modulesThis document will cover the description of the implementation of the different modules part of SCENE service platform: core logic, network access manager, smart access point manager, caching controller, analytics module, interfaces with external services and the dashboard.
Report on productization activitiesThe report will describe implementation, manufacturing, deployment scenarios, etc. to ensure the scale commercialization of SCENE solution.
Initial version of system requirements and architecture designProvide a document describing SCENE architecture and the specifications of SCENE components (Initial).
Initial Pilot DefinitionPilot description, plan and design will give details about preparation and design of the proposed pilot(s).
Innovation Management and IPR GuideDefines rules for handling user data, anonymization and future use.
Report on commercial activitiesDeliverable will detail a commercial awareness strategy and a resume of commercial activities in the first half of the project.
Project, Quality and Management ReportIt will set the day-to-day rules of the project as well as the quality assurance and quality control rules both for software and hardware development as well as productization. In addition to this deliverable, first and second periodic reports (M12, M24) and final report (M24) will be produced, as part of official project reporting activities.
Specification of SCENE security frameworkThis deliverable presents a detailed specification of the SCENE security framework. It addresses both the security services provided by the intelligent gateway to IoT networks and the intelligent gateway self-protection mechanisms.
Final version of system requirements and architecture designProvide a document describing SCENE architecture and the specifications of SCENE components (Final).
Commercial pilots reportThis report will include a short description of demonstration pilots and results. It will analyse performance from end user point of view, systemize user feedback and elaborate customer needs.
Data Management PlanThe Data Management Plan will specify which data generated in the project shall be part of the ORDPilot and how it will be handled within the consortium and later published.
The data used to validate the pilot(s) in the project shall be made public in the ORDP as well as other data defined in the Data Management Plan.
This deliverable will provide the first prototype of SCENE service platform core modules (software), which will cover the service management modules (network access manager and intelligent gateway manager) and caching controller.
Final version of service platform modulesThis deliverable will provide the first complete prototype of SCENE service platform modules (software). This prototype will cover the analytics module, interfaces with external services and the dashboard and an evolved version of D3.1 modules.
First version of the product, including optimised CPU, wifi interfaces, and 6LowPAN interface.
Intelligent Gateway first versionIntelligent Gateway including first version of software functions developed in T4.2 (IoT information collection, caching, edge cloud, security).
Intelligent Gateway final versionOptimised hardware and software with full functionalities including IoT interfaces, caching, edge cloud and security, and interfaces with external services previously defined in WP3.
Maxime Labonne, Alexis Olivereau, Baptiste Polvé, Djamal Zeghlache
Veröffentlicht in:
Proceedings of International Workshop on Computing, Networking and Communications (CNC), 2020
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