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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

EEN Innovation Management Berlin-Brandenburg (InnoManage BB 2019)


Ausbau der Innovationskraft von KMU in Berlin-Brandenburg

Ein unzureichendes Management von Innovationsprozessen erschwert kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) Innovationen und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt InnoManage BB 2019 die Innovationsmanagementkapazitäten von KMU in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg ausbauen. Das Projekt ist ein integraler Bestandteil der Aktivitäten des Enterprise Europe Network für das Jahr 2019. Es verfolgt zwei Hauptziele, die auf eine begrenzte Anzahl von KMU in Berlin-Brandenburg ausgerichtet sind. Das erste Ziel besteht darin, Schwachstellen im Hinblick auf die Innovationskapazitäten der KMU zu bestimmen, die ihre Wachstumschancen behindern und die vollständige Ausschöpfung ihres wirtschaftlichen Potenzials behindern. Das zweite ist die Unterstützung von hochinnovativen KMU mit bedeutenden Innovationsaktivitäten und einem hohen Internationalisierungspotenzial.


The overall aim of the action is to help to enhance and accelerate the economic returns from innovation in Europe, by increasing the innovation management capabilities of SMEs. The project sought to address and strengthen the area of innovation management for innovative SMEs in the region of Berlin and Brandenburg. As identified by the European Commission, innovation management is a key area for companies and the inability to manage these processes effectively is a significant barrier to SME innovation and their competitiveness. This is the context in which we attempted to enhance the innovation competence of Berlin and Brandenburg based companies.
The proposed project is an integral part of the Enterprise Europe Network activities in Berlin and Brandenburg for the year 2019. The project addresses two main objectives, which are pre-defined by the European Commission and aimed for a limited number of small and medium sized enterprises in Berlin and Brandenburg:
1. The first main objective for InnoManage BB consortium is to ensure that key SME beneficiaries of Horizon 2020 funding scheme SME Instrument, Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) and Future and Emerging Technologies Open (FET-Open) will receive appropriate Key Account Management KAM services which should be complemented by coaching services. The objective of this service is to identify weaknesses in the innovation capacities of the SME beneficiaries hindering their growth opportunities and hence their full commercial potential.
2. The second main objective is to ensure that SMEs with significant innovation activities and a high potential for internationalization -promising SMEs with gaps in the innovation management systems - will receive high quality innovation support to address those gaps.
Whereas the first service package is reserved for beneficiaries of the Horizon 2020 funding schemes with a dedicated coaching scheme, the second is targeted at highly promising innovative enterprises, that innovate and grow.


€ 92 765,00
10623 Berlin

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Berlin Berlin Berlin
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 92 765,00

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