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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Innovative Technologies of Electrochemical Suppression and Electromagnetic Decomposition for NOx Reduction in Aeroengines

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DENOX (Innovative Technologies of Electrochemical Suppression and Electromagnetic Decomposition for NOx Reduction in Aeroengines)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-01-01 bis 2019-12-31

"Globalization makes our world more socially and economically prosperous, while it depends heavily on connectivity and mobility for citizens, international businesses and global commerce. The IATA’s 20-Year Air Passenger Forecast released in 2018 anticipates a 3.5% compound annual growth rate of passenger air traffic in 2018-2037. It will result in a doubling in passenger numbers from 4.3 billion in 2018 to 8.2 billion in 2037.
The growth of air traffic naturally implies more emissions. Because of this, the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) set a goal to reduce the NOx emissions from aeronautic engines in 2050 by 90 % relative to the year 2000. To achieve this challenge, radically new technologies and solutions are required.
The “mainstream” for NOx emissions reduction in gas-turbine engines (GTE) is so-called “lean combustion” approach characterised by combustion temperature decreasing. Applying widely, it is in basic controversy with aero-engines efficiency progress, which requires an increase of combustor inlet pressure and temperature.
With a clear focus on the next generation of aero-engines, the DENOX project deals with low emission technology concepts applicable to the high-temperature high-pressure combustion process. The DENOX project aims to develop and prove experimentally in the lab two breakthrough technology concepts and their combination for drastic reduction of NOx emissions in aeronautic GTEs.
Technology concept #1 is electrochemical suppression of NOx generation in the primary combustion zone of aero-engine. It consists in generation of modulated discharge(s) in the primary combustion zone to create “untypical for normal combustion” molecules and species. These reagents will be able to enter into reactions competitive with conventional NOx generation mechanisms, thus suppressing NOx generation.
Technology concept #2 is electromagnetic decomposition of NOx molecules in the aero-engine exhaust. It consists in application of multi-frequency electromagnetic fields with cascade asynchronic modulation of electric and magnetic components to the exhaust flow to decompose earlier generated NOx molecules.
Both DENOX technology concepts are highly-promising in terms of NOx emissions reduction. However, at the current stage, it’s very difficult to determine which technology concept is the most promising, or both of them shall be applied to reach maximum effect. Therefore, the DENOX team will focus on extensive numerical studies of both technology concepts and their experimental validation to identify the concepts’ pros and cons and showcase the potential."
The DENOX project will be implemented in three consecutive stages:
• Stage 1: Fundamental studies of NOx generation and decomposition mechanisms
• Stage 2: Numerical and experimental studies of DENOX low emission concepts
• Stage 3: Proof-of-concept of DENOX low emission concepts combined application
Period 1 was mostly devoted to fundamental research as well as preparation and launch of experimental studies.
The fundamental studies increased understanding ofhigh-temperature high-pressure combustion process chemical kinetics, in particular influence of temperature, pressure and chemical profile. They also helped to identify excited and ionized particles involved in NOx generation-decomposition processes and group them according to their influence on NOx content in the combustion zone. All this made possible to formulate two approaches for intervention into the combustion process with the aim of NOX emissions reduction. They are based on the control of free-electron energy distribution and hydrocarbons concentration in the discharge zone.
Experimental activities were focused on development of test equipment for experimental study of combustion processes. The vertical single burner and basic test bench on the basis of mini-GTE engine were manufactured and commissioned in parallel with the development and run of the first version of the discharge system. The vertical single burner makes it possible to realize the still air/low-speed reacting flow studies and accumulate initial knowledge on iteration of electric discharge and reacting flow as well as excited and ionized particles generation by different discharge types, e.g. high-frequency discharge, power arc discharge, corona discharge. The results of the first static and flow experimental studies demonstrated a non-stationary effect of NO generation rate reduction in the presence of corona discharge.
The Period 1 results and outputs will be further developed by the DENOX team to reach the project objectives.
There are two expected advances that the DENOX project activities will provide beyond the state-of-the-art. Thanks to the development of new methods of filtration and grouping of reactions general balance, the progress in understanding and modelling of low-emission high-temperature high-pressure combustion processes will be achieved. These methods will help to simplify and speed up the combustion processes modelling with the same or even higher accuracy of the results obtained.
Even more important, electrochemical suppression and electromagnetic decomposition technology concepts to be developed in the DENOX project will provide considerable progress in aeronautic engine NOx emissions reduction. Based on preliminary theoretical estimations, the electrochemical suppression concept can ensure up to 40% reduction of NOx concentration, while electromagnetic decomposition concept can ensure decomposition of up to 90% of NOx molecules in the engine exhaust. The two concepts combination may give 20 - 95% decreasing of NOx concentration in aircraft exhausting gases.
The DENOX project knowledge and outputs will generate a positive impact on a broad range of beneficiaries.
In the short run, the scientific community will benefit from access to new knowledge in the area of low emission high-temperature combustion processes. Further application of the project outcomes will stimulate progress in high-temperature combustion process efficiency and will improve the innovation capacity of the research community to make further progress in aircraft engine design.
In the mid-term perspective (2025/2035), the European aircraft engine industry can benefit from accelerated combustion process modelling at the engine design stage, which will shorten the engine design cycle and decrease costs at the combustor design stage of both existing and innovative low emission engines. It will contribute to retaining of Europe’s competitiveness in this high-tech sector.
In the long-term perspective (2050), the European aircraft engines manufacturers will be able to use advanced low emission technologies for their combustors, thus will be capable to meet more and more rigorous certification standards. In parallel, the European citizens and global population will benefit from aviation producing fewer emissions.
Electromagnetic decomposition of NOx molecules in the aero-engine exhaust
Overview of the DENOX technology concepts
Electrochemical suppression of NOx generation in the primary combustion chamber