CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Advancing knowledge and acquiring expertise in shellfish research by investigating environmental, neuroendocrine and endocrine control of key stages in oyster aquaculture, using a rhythmic approach


Neue Erkenntnisse für die Aquakultur von Austern

Die rasante Expansion der maritimen Aquakultur zweischaliger Muscheln weltweit steigert den Bedarf an einer Produktion von Samen in Aufzuchtanlagen. Ein Mangel an physiologischer Synchronität zwischen Individuen erschwert allerdings die Produktion. Die Forschenden des EU-finanzierten Projekts NEUROSHELL möchten die Möglichkeiten zur Steuerung der Fortpflanzungsphasen zweischaliger Muscheln mittels ökologischer, neuroendokriner und endokriner Faktoren ausbauen. Ziel ist es, die Produktion von Austern in Aufzuchtanlagen zu optimieren und die Wissenschaft voranzubringen. Das multidisziplinäre und fachübergreifende Projekt beinhaltet eine Beobachtung des Tagesrhythmus. In diesem Rahmen findet eine Untersuchung des Einflusses täglicher Zyklen der Umgebungsbedingungen auf die Fortpflanzung sowie die Metamorphose von Larven zu Saataustern statt. Zudem sollen Profile der analysierten neuroendokrinen und endokrinen Faktoren erstellt werden, die die Zustände in den verschiedenen Stadien beschreiben.


The rapid worldwide expansion of marine bivalve aquaculture has lead to a growing demand for hatchery production of seed. Increase in this production has however been hampered by a lack of physiological synchrony of individuals, with difficulties in 1) conditioning of broodstock and predicting when they will spawn, 2) metamorphosis of larvae into spat. The overall research objective of Neuroshell is to advance knowledge on the environmental, neuroendocrine and endocrine control of these key stages in bivalves. This will be done through a daily rhythms approach, by investigating the effect of daily environmental cycles on reproduction (sub-project 1) and metamorphosis (sub-project 2), and generating a profile of target neuroendocrine/endocrine factors at given stages under these conditions. Then determining whether these factors too exhibit daily rhythmicity. Work will be performed on the European oyster, Ostrea edulis, through in vivo experiments. Neuroshell is multidisciplinary and intersectoral, combining physiological, biochemical and molecular techniques with shellfish aquaculture and industry integration. It also includes a secondment in Spain. Transfer of knowledge and comprehensive training of the researcher are key elements of the action. The core focus of the researcher to date has been on reproductive neuroendocrinology and physiology in fish species for commercial aquaculture. To broaden her research scope dramatically, the project has been developed with the Scottish Association of Marine Science UK (host), to enable her to gain knowledge, skills, competencies, experience and contacts in an entirely new group of species of major commercial importance. Overall, results have the potential capacity to advance hatchery production of marine bivalves and fundamental science, and promote the researcher to a level of professional maturity and independence. Ultimately contributing to the excellence and competitiveness of EU aquaculture research and industry.


€ 337 400,64
PA37 1QA Dunbeg Oban
Vereinigtes Königreich

Auf der Karte ansehen

Scotland Highlands and Islands Lochaber, Skye & Lochalsh, Arran & Cumbrae and Argyll & Bute
Research Organisations
€ 337 400,64