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Biopolymers for the Generation of 3D Tissue Engineering Scaffolds by Solution Mask Liquid Lithography

Description du projet

Vers des échafaudages tissés sur mesure

Tout comme les échafaudages de construction aident à construire un immeuble de bureaux, les échafaudages de tissu aident les cellules à former des tissus fonctionnels pour le traitement de maladies ou de blessures. Conçus pour encourager la croissance cellulaire et la formation de tissus, les échafaudages tissulaires sont microscopiques, souvent nanostructurés, et doivent être biocompatibles. Soutenu par le programme Marie Skłodowska-Curie, le projet BioSMaLL intègre une nouvelle méthode d’impression 3D appelée lithographie liquide en solution avec masque (SMaLL) avec des biopolymères fonctionnels et l’ingénierie tissulaire. SMaLL exploite des molécules photo-actives pour contrôler la polymérisation et créer de nouvelles structures 3D avec des domaines chimiquement et mécaniquement distincts. Le résultat sera des implants tissulaires sur mesure et bioinspirés améliorés pour une variété d’applications biomédicales.


Three-dimensional (3D) printing in biomedical science has recently advanced the development of tailor-made implants. Designing structural and functional 3D constructs mimetic of both tissues and organs offers a genuine route to personalised implants, improving the patients' quality of life and reducing healthcare costs. While engineers have significantly progressed 3D printing methods, the barriers to progress include the limited variety of printable materials as well as the need for alternative low-cost printing technologies. BioSMaLL aims to address this through combining Solution Mask Liquid Lithography (SMaLL), a recent technology developed at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), with the expertise of the applicant and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) in functional biopolymers and tissue engineering to develop bio-active scaffolds. The objectives of this global fellowship will be achieved by adaptation of BioSMaLL for newly designed biopolymers during the outgoing phase at UCSB . In a transfer of knowledge, BioSMaLL will then be established at RCSI and bespoke biocompatible scaffolds produced and validated during the incoming phase. The innovative approach will be facilitated by an interdisciplinary methodology at the interface of polymer chemistry, (bio)materials science, 3D printing and tissue engineering in two world-renowned groups. The career goal of the fellow to embark on a career in emerging biomedical technologies in a start-up company will be facilitated by a dedicated training programme across scientific methods as well as complementary training at UCSB and RCSI covering leadership, project management and commercialisation in addition to meetings with laboratory and management staff of the start-up company SurgaColl. The partners have a proven track record in training future leaders in materials science and healthcare aiming to make a difference and establish new technologies and innovative processes in Europe and beyond.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 257 561,28
2 Dublin

Voir sur la carte

Ireland Northern and Western Border
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 257 561,28

Partenaires (1)