Nicht auf Fake News hereinfallen
Viele Informationen, die wir im Internet lesen, sind Fake News – Falschmeldungen, die auf die Falschinformation der Leserschaft abzielen, um deren Sichtweise auf ein Thema zu beeinflussen oder eine politische Agenda voranzutreiben. Fake News werden eher über das Internet übermittelt und erneut weitergegeben und erreichen so in kurzer Zeit Millionen von Menschen. Daher gestalten sich Maßnahmen zur Korrektur von Fehlinformationen schwierig – Menschen glauben leicht Informationen, die ihnen immer wieder begegnen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MISTRUST untersucht den Korrekturmechanismus. Es schlägt Methoden vor, um Menschen dazu zu bringen, Fake News zu hinterfragen, indem Informationen über die Unglaubwürdigkeit der Quelle geliefert werden. Die Ergebnisse des Projekts werden dabei helfen, Strategien für effektive Verfahren zur Bekämpfung von Falschmeldungen zu entwickeln.
Every day a vast amount of misinformation and Fake News are repeated and infinitely shared, reaching millions of people in a short time. The large-scale dissemination of misinformation is one of the major challenges that current societies face, with long-lasting costs to individuals and governments. European Commission’s recent efforts in seeking advice from experts regarding measures to counteract disinformation attest to the urgency of addressing this issue.
The fact that people tend to believe in information they repeatedly encounter and to reject claims that contradict what they heard before makes misinformation-correction very difficult. Since most correction strategies entail both a repetition of the false claims and their contradiction, they ironically end up strengthening the validity of the misinformation they attempt to correct. It is thus of the utmost importance to examine the mechanisms that may contribute to the development of effective misinformation-correction actions.
This proposal contributes to that goal, addressing a novel variable - source (un)trustworthiness - with the potential to influence the effects of repetition and contradiction on perceived information validity. It is hypothesized that providing information about the untrustworthiness of the source of previous false claims will prompt individuals to scrutinize and analyze information more deeply, counteracting the effects of repetition and contradiction (which rely on superficial information processing). This research program will both advance the knowledge in the field and inform future policies to deal with the increasing amount of misinformation that is spread to the public.
The researcher conducting the project has the relevant expertise on both the specific field of research and the appropriate experimental methodologies. Additionally, the Host offers a high-quality research and training environment, and the necessary infrastructure for the successful implementation of the project.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
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MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Koordinator
1649 026 Lisboa