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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Investigation of the SNP-induced RNA structure variations between subgenomes in polyploid wheat


Forschung zu Hitzestress bei europäischem Weizen soll Ursachen für Ertragsminderung aufzeigen

Polyploide Organismen (mit mehr als zwei Chromosomenpaaren) sind ein interessantes natürliches Labor, um genetische Veränderungen und verschiedene Funktionen bei einem Gen zu untersuchen (Sub- oder Neofunktionalisierung). Die RNA gibt den genetischen Code für die Proteinsynthese an die Tochterzellen weiter. Veränderungen an einzelnen RNA-Nukleotiden (Einzelnukleotid-Polymorphismen) wiederum können komplexe Veränderungen der 3D-Struktur der RNA auslösen. Diese Veränderungen der RNA-Struktur sind nicht nur Auslöser von Krankheiten, sondern auch das biologische Substrat für Evolution und Umweltanpassung. Das Projekt INSPIRATION untersucht daher durch Einzelnukleotid-Polymorphismen induzierte Strukturvariationen in der RNA von polyploidem Weizen. Die Forscher wollen herausfinden, ob eine solche Variation auf eine Sub- oder Neofunktionalisierung zurückgeht, und ob dies die Toleranz gegenüber Hitzestress und damit die Erträge beeinflusst.


Polyploidization is one of the major driving forces of plant evolution and crop domestication and plays a key role in plant environmental adaptation. The function of multiple gene copies (homoeologous genes) from different subgenomes can vary from each other (sub/neofunctionalization), which is considered as the key to understanding polyploidy evolution and environmental adaptation. However, most sequence variations between homoeologous genes lie on the non-coding region or are synonymous mutations, which cannot lead to codon change. To data, very little is known about how the vast majority of sequence variations over the gene body regions drives subgenomes sub/neofunctionalization in polyploidy.
Recently, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) induced RNA structural alteration is demonstrated to play key roles in post-transcriptional regulations such as RNA decay and splicing. Further studies in human disease showed that SNP-induced RNA structural changes are associated with diverse human disease and phenotypes. And also, temperature can affect the RNA structures that more stably folded mRNAs tended to show lower decay rate. This brought attention to the existing function of synonymous mutations as well as non-coding SNPs. Thus, I hypothesize that SNP-induced RNA structural alteration might lead to the subgenomes sub/neofunctionalization and play an important role in temperature stress response.
As tetraploid wheat is widely grown in the Europe and its yield is severely affected by heat stress, I will test my hypothesis in tetraploid wheat. Firstly, genome-wide RNA secondary structure profiling will be applied to compare SNP-induced RNA structure variations between subgenomes in tetraploid wheat. Secondly, I will investigate the roles of SNP-induced RNA structure variations in RNA stability and splicing pattern changes between subgenomes. Finally, I will assess the role of SNP-induced RNA structure variations in response to high temperature.


€ 224 933,76
NR4 7UH Norwich
Vereinigtes Königreich

Auf der Karte ansehen

East of England East Anglia Breckland and South Norfolk
Research Organisations
€ 224 933,76