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Vienna International Postdoctoral Program

Description du projet

Favoriser la réussite des jeunes scientifiques

Ouvert aux candidats ayant une formation en biologie, chimie, physique, médecine, ingénierie et informatique, le programme postdoctoral international de Vienne propose des bourses de trois ans appelé VIP-2. Les boursiers choisissent deux mentors et conçoivent un projet de recherche qui sert de base à la sélection. Le projet VIP-2 favorisera l’indépendance scientifique en encourageant la sélection de projets susceptibles de devenir des axes de recherche distincts et en permettant aux candidats d’avoir accès à des installations scientifiques de base exceptionnelles. Les boursiers seront encadrés par un programme structuré qui leur permettra d’acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour accéder à des postes de haut niveau dans différents secteurs scientifiques. L’objectif est de donner la possibilité à des scientifiques de mener des projets de recherche ambitieux dans un environnement international, interdisciplinaire et intersectoriel.


The VBC International Postdoctoral Program (VIP2) sets new standards in postdoctoral training in the Life Sciences by providing talented young scientists with outstanding support to conduct ambitious research projects in an international, interdisciplinary, and inter-sectoral environment. The program fosters scientific independence, encourages groundbreaking, career-making projects, and enables fellows to establish valuable contacts to academic and non-academic sectors. The Vienna BioCenter (VBC) has a 30-year history of scientific excellence and training. Four academic institutes (IMP, IMBA, GMI, MFPL) form the basis of this application. They are devoted to basic research in all areas of Life Science. Research topics range from structural biology to organismal biology, from gene expression to neurobiology, from microbiology to molecular medicine which encompass the full range of model systems from microbes, stem cells, plants, invertebrates to vertebrates. Together with 21 biotech companies, the VBC is Austria’s largest life sciences research center and a stellar example of an interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral campus. VIP2 is a 3-year postdoctoral fellowship program open to candidates with backgrounds in biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, engineering and computer science. The selection is a bottom-up procedure where fellows select two mentors and conceive a research project that forms the basis for the selection. VIP2 fosters scientific independence by selecting projects that have the potential to develop into distinct research lines and by providing candidates access to outstanding scientific core facilities. VIP2 fellows are mentored through a structured program that trains fellows for skills required to attain high-level positions in different scientific sectors. Finally, fellows can obtain direct insight into non-academic sectors through a secondment and are supported by an external advisory board with members from various non-academic sectors.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 4 965 300,00
1030 Wien

Voir sur la carte

Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 9 930 600,00