Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ARCAID (Amsterdam Rheumatology Center for AutoImmune Diseases)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-01-01 al 2021-12-31
ARCAID (Amsterdam Rheumatology Center for AutoImmune Diseases) aims to fund a top class European rheumatology school for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) interested in excellent bench-to-bedside training. ARCAID aims to select the best students to become excellent researchers, who perform high quality research and translation of results benefits patients, and who can subsequently have a major impact on scientific breakthroughs that foster the European society and economy. AIRCAID features an international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach to train a diverse group of ESRs to become the future leaders in autoimmune rheumatology research and developers of improved bench-to-bedside approaches. The multifaceted training programme ensures that the ESRs will learn about the opportunities and obstacles in the domains of all the involved stakeholders.
ARCAID will be a top-class research institute where ESRs will be skilled through excellent training programs setup along four trivial pillars in translational research:
I.Application of state-of-the-art technologies on human and murine biosamples;
II.Delineating the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying pathophysiology of disease;
III.Development of improved computational procedures for data analysis and interpretation;
IV.Discovery of novel markers to improve diagnostics, prognostics and therapy response to aid thedevelopment of personalised medicine.
The first pillar consists of learning how to apply common (e.g. flowcytometry, quantitative PCR, cell culture, basic microscopy) and state-of-the-art technologies (e.g. single cell sequencing, metabolomics, CyTOF, advanced microscopy and PET-MRI imaging) on cells and tissues to solve important research questions. A special focus will be the acquisition, processing and use of human biosamples. The second pillar builds upon the first pillar, on how to interpret the obtained data to setup additional functional studies aimed at delineating the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying pathophysiology of disease. The third pillar becomes increasingly important in this era of artificial intelligence and will involve excellent training in the application of machine-learning, bioinformatics and big data in the different translational research studies. Finally, the fourth pillar is devoted to translating our research findings of novel (imaging) markers and drug targets to clinical applications, aiming for more accurate diagnostics, personalised medicine, and more effective therapies, thereby contributing to improved health care for patients with autoimmune inflammatory diseases. Every ESR research project will consist of a blend of all four pillars but with the focus on one or two of the four pillars and supervised by highly experienced and renowned researchers in the field.