Ausbildung für eine postdoktorale Laufbahn durch das europäische UNA-Netzwerk
Das Projekt UNA4CAREER wird durch die Universität Complutense Madrid (UCM) initiiert und kofinanziert, um im Rahmen von zwei Ausschreibungen und eines Programms über 60 Monate 40 Forscherinnen und Forschern ein postdoktorales Stipendium anzubieten, das ihre Karriereaussichten verbessern wird. Das Programm nutzt zudem die Mitgliedschaft der UCM in der UNA Europa, einer europäischen Hochschulallianz führender EU-Forschungseinrichtungen, um die Möglichkeit der Entsendung in fünf andere europäische Länder anzubieten. Es umfasst vier große Arbeitsbereiche (Geisteswissenschaften, Gesundheit, Sozialwissenschaften und experimentelle Wissenschaften), wobei interdisziplinäre Projekte stark gefördert werden. Unterstützt durch eine solide europäische Ausbildung erlangen die UNA4CAREER-Stipendiatinnen und -Stipendiaten Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen, die für die Entwicklung einer Forschungskarriere im akademischen Bereich und darüber hinaus erforderlich sind.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), one of the top ranked Universities in Spain, supports Post Doctorates through its own talent attraction programme (0,5M€/year) and co-funds 50% of Regional programmes (0.5M€/year).
UCM is a well-positioned University at National and EU level, but expanding the funding and territorial scope of these initiatives will allow UCM and the Region to become even more attractive to outside talent.
UNI4CAREER aims at mobilizing 7M€ in the Region (over doubling current funding), through a multiannual fellowship programme (60 months) that will attract 40 experienced researchers in 2 international calls (20 researchers / call). The fellows will incorporate into one of 94 UCM´s excellence groups on 4 knowledge areas: humanities, health, social and experimental sciences.
UNA4CAREER leverages on UNA EUROPA ALLIANCE inspired by, and contributing to, EC EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES INITIATIVE: UCM plus 5 top EU universities from Italy, France, Belgium, Germany and Poland, that will be Partner Organisations (PO) offering secondment positions, being all committed with HRS4R (4 out of 6 members, including UCM, awarded).
UNA4CAREER, as an open network enabling 40 researchers to combine their work in an INTERNATIONAL (6 countries), CROSS-SECTORAL (possibility to interact with over 500 actors through the UNA Europa Alliance) and INTERDISCIPLINARY (4 scientific areas) framework, will definitely help spreading the best practices of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions.
UNA4CAREER will allow the fellows to EXPAND their SKILLS in order to improve their employability in both the academic and non-academic sectors, through SECONDMENTS (60 months in Academic and 30 months in non-Academic entities are estimated).
UNA4CAREER will also encourage researchers to PURSUE A CAREER with a truly European dimension including COMPLEMENTARY TRAINING ON RESEARCH AND TRANSFERABLE SKILLS (over 58 courses available).
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MSCA-COFUND - Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)Koordinator
28040 Madrid