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Market launch of an autonomous and online based hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Analyzer for the implementation of IIoT - digitalization of the sewer system


Digitale Abwasserkontrolle reduziert Wasserstoffsulfid und die zur Behandlung notwendigen Chemikalien

Wasserstoffsulfid ist ein hochgiftiges und stinkendes Gas, häufig mit faulen Eiern verglichen, das in Abwassersystemen durch die Zersetzung organischer Substanzen durch anaerobe Bakterien entsteht. Es kann in geschlossenen Räumen tödlich für Wartungspersonal sein und auch zu schwerer Korrosion sowie Wertverlust führen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt H2S Analyzer will seine gleichnamige Technologie auf den Markt bringen. Mehrere miteinander verbundene Messgeräte werden die autonome Online-Erfassung kleinster Wasserstoffsulfidkonzentrationen in Echtzeit unterstützen können und sicherstellen, dass nur minimale Mengen an Chemikalien zur Behandlung des Wassers verwendet werden.


There is a huge environmental problem in our sewers: hydrogen sulphide (H2S). H2S causes massive ecological problems
and economic damage, which arise to more than €250 bn per year in Europe.
Currently, high levels of chemicals such as Nutriox are used in the sewer to eliminate H2S. However, the use of chemicals
could be drastically reduced if measures are taken at the point of origin, the waste water collection point. This requires an
autonomous measuring method that can detect even the smallest H2S concentrations on site and online.
We as ECH have developed such an Analyzer. The H2S Analyzer (TRL 7) is based on a new, patented measurement
method - gas extraction with coupled detection. A higher-level control system connects several H2S Analyzer with each
other and always determines the required quantities of waste water chemicals precisely on the basis of the measurement
results. We make the waste water industry digital with this technology and enable a complete real-time monitoring of the
whole system. Target customers are municipal and private companies in the wastewater industry, but also contract
laboratories (market volume Europe: €1.5 bn). Our advantages are:
1.Automate online measurements
- H2S can be measured autonomously at various points in the wastewater pipe without personnel.
- real-time Monitoring and targeted influencing
2.Exact and reproducible measuring method
-Measurement of H2S occurrences from 0.01 ppm
3.Environmentally friendly
- Proven significant reduction of at least 40-50% in the use of chemicals to treat H2S
- Increased service life wastewater system to 100 years (currently 10-60)
4.Economic viability
- Decreasing costs for replacement investments in wastewater infrastructure
- Cost savings of >40%
The H2S analyzer is seen as a key factor in ECH and leads to significant increase of sales and employees and, in the long
term, a reduction in the use of chemicals in the wastewater industry.
H2S Analyzer - Good for you and the Environment.

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€ 1 748 250,00
06120 HALLE

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Die Organisation definierte sich zum Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung der Finanzhilfevereinbarung selbst als KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen).

Sachsen-Anhalt Sachsen-Anhalt Halle (Saale), Kreisfreie Stadt
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 2 497 500,00