CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Next Generation Multiphysical Models for Crystal Growth Processes


Verbesserte Modelle für die Kristallzüchtung

Kristalline Materialien haben den technischen Fortschritt unterstützt – von den ersten Transistoren bis hin zu Quantencomputern. Die Kristallzüchtung gilt jedoch noch immer als sehr komplexes Verfahren, da daran verschiedene physikalische Phänomene beteiligt sind. Das Fehlen von direkten Messungen innerhalb der Kristallzucht schränkt die Genauigkeit der zugrunde liegenden theoretischen Modelle ein. Daher wird die Entwicklung der Kristallzucht noch immer von experimentellen Versuch-und-Irrtum-Ansätzen beherrscht. Dank der im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts NEMOCRYS unternommenen Arbeit könnte sich dies in Zukunft jedoch ändern. NEMOCRYS hat sich der Entwicklung einer neuen experimentellen Plattform („MultiValidator“) verschrieben, die eine einzigartige Kristallzuchtstation für Modellmaterialien umfasst. Diese neuen multiphysikalischen Modelle sollen das Paradigma der Beobachtung, Beschreibung und Entwicklung der Kristallzüchtung und ähnlicher komplexer multiphysikalischer Systeme durchbrechen.


Crystalline materials are indispensable for the contemporary world and silicon crystals in particular have enabled the technological progress from first transistors to quantum computers. Such crystals are produced in high-temperature processes with a permanent demand to improve both material quality and efficiency of mass production. The high complexity of the growth processes involving various physical phenomena from electromagnetism to fluid dynamics as well as the limited possibilities of direct measurements make process optimization very challenging. Numerical simulation is often used, but due to limited accuracy of the models, experimental trial-and-error still dominates in practice as I have directly experienced while developing crystal growth methods both on research and industrial scales for more than a decade. There is a series of fundamental assumptions in multiphysical models that have been used for many crystal growth processes of various materials but have never been thoroughly validated. I propose to build a general experimental platform (MultiValidator) to address these challenges and, for the first time, to consider the complete physical complexity of a real growth process. A unique crystal growth setup will be developed for a model material (e.g. Ga) to enable low working temperatures, relaxed vacuum-sealing requirements and easy experimental access for various measurement techniques simultaneously (e.g. flow velocity and thermal stress fields). In this way, a new level of physical understanding and a new generation of multiphysical models for crystal growth processes will be established. The following paradigm change in the way how we observe, describe and develop crystal growth processes and similar complex multiphysical systems will minimize the necessary experimental cycles and open new horizons for a scientific analysis as well as for smart process control, for example, within the Industry 4.0 initiative.


ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 499 375,00
12489 Berlin

Auf der Karte ansehen

Berlin Berlin Berlin
Research Organisations
€ 1 499 375,00

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