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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

DYNAMICS OF THE DURABLE. A History of Making Things Last in the Visual and Decorative Arts.


Ein Blick in die Geschichte der Haltbarkeit von Kunst

Viele Materialien werden vom Zahn der Zeit angegriffen. Doch manche halten ihm viel besser stand als andere. Wie sieht es mit historischen Artefakten aus? Handwerkerinnen und Handwerker haben Stein und Metall bearbeitet und Farbstoffe und Pigmente entwickelt, die nie verblassen. Außerdem haben sie Beschichtungen zum Schutz zerbrechlicherer Materialien geschaffen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt DURARE wird die Wirkung der Bestrebungen von Handwerk und Mäzenatentum, haltbare Objekte in den Bereichen der visuellen und dekorativen Kunst herzustellen, erforschen. Außerdem will das Projekt soziale Praktiken erfassen, die sich auf die Haltbarkeit auswirken, und herausfinden, wie Menschen im Laufe der Zeit über die Beständigkeit und die Eigenschaften von Materialien lernten. Mithilfe der Ergebnisse sollen die Methoden der Bewahrung des kulturellen Erbes vorangebracht werden.


Our cultural heritage comprises many art objects that are hundreds, some thousands of years old. How did they survive this long? While many factors determine if and how art can be preserved, one has fundamentally impacted its long-term survival: the desire to make and own artefacts that withstand the test of time. This project—DURARE—will undertake the first comprehensive study of the impact of the artisan and patron’s ambitions to craft, own and theorize durable objects on the long-term development of the visual and decorative arts. To achieve durability, artisans have worked stone and metal, created dyes and pigments thought never to fade, made surface coatings ensuring the protection of more brittle materials, and transformed soft clay into long-lasting ceramics. Patrons coveted physically stable objects; yet stability does not always ensure durability: culturally fragile gold can be melted and re-used. Beyond how the durable was made, DURARE will map the social practices influencing durability. We will also establish how, through artistic and social pursuits for durable art, humans acquired knowledge of the stability and behavior of materials over time, thus impacting knowledge traditions outside art history. Finally, we will elucidate the created practices and institutions facilitating durability, such as cultural heritage conservation and museums. Studying the history of durability in art requires hands-on experience with the materials and processes used to make and explore permanence. This project therefore uses an innovative methodology, combining historical research into art objects and textual sources with hands-on reconstructions of materials and techniques. DURARE will achieve a fundamental understanding of durability in art by charting: 1. Variations and concepts of durability in art and patronage; 2. The role of durability in the development of art and craftsmanship; 3. The impact of artistic expertise in durable materials on the history of knowledge.


ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 499 375,00
3584 CS Utrecht

Auf der Karte ansehen

West-Nederland Utrecht Utrecht
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 499 375,00

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