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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Law as Vehicle for Social Change: Mainstreaming Non-Extractive Economic Practices


Gesetz zur Förderung nicht extraktiver wirtschaftlicher Praktiken

Das heutige spektakuläre Wachstum der Weltwirtschaft geht mit einigen nachteiligen Folgen einher, wie wachsender Ungleichheit, vermehrter Klimamigration und mehr Klimaflüchtlingen sowie erheblichen Umweltschäden. Als Reaktion darauf entstehen neue wirtschaftliche und soziale Ansätze, die von nicht extraktiven wirtschaftlichen Praktiken inspiriert sind, wie die Kreislaufwirtschaft und die Wachstumseinschränkung, um eine nachhaltige Entwicklung zu erreichen. Allerdings behandeln bestehende Wirtschaftssysteme, Kaufverhalten, rechtliche Rahmenwerke sowie die politische Rhetorik solche Vorschläge als nicht umsetzbar und utopisch. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt N-EXTLAW stellt eine Studie in Aussicht, die zeigen soll, wie durch Privatrecht solche radikalen Vorschläge politisch haltbar gemacht werden können, indem politische Ideen und rechtliche Instrumente vorgeschlagen werden, die nicht extraktive wirtschaftliche Praktiken attraktiv und realistisch umsetzbar machen sollen.


The current economic model is overdue for revision. The relentless focus on economic growth is ravaging the environment, and the concomitant social problems have either already reached glaring levels (rocketing global inequality) or seem poised to do so (climate displaced persons). A number of radical proposals, such as prosperity without growth, circular economy, or doughnut economics, have been proposed to chart a trajectory towards socio-ecological transformation, arguing that a profound change in our ways of living and modes of production is necessary in order to respond to the threats we face. Yet such proposals, however commendable, have gained only modest political traction, insofar as they seem unthinkable from the vantage point of our current economic system, consumption patterns, political discourse and legal institutions.
This project will show how law can contribute to making such transformative projects politically credible. More specifically, it will demonstrate how law, and private law in particular, can be used to nurture those existing economic practices that already build on the environmental and social aspirations embodied by such projects. The two main objectives are, first, to offer a set of legal tools and policy proposals that would make the adoption of environmentally and socially non-extractive economic practices, such as social cooperatives or solidary financial institutions, more attractive for people to implement. Second, N-EXTLAW theorizes how law can turn seemingly utopian projects for socio-ecological transformation into a realistic legal-political project. By refashioning the concrete socio-legal arrangements for pursuing non-extractive economic practices as well as re-shaping the values on which economic decision-making draws, law can make non-extractive economic practices more present in everyday action, and thereby uphold those cultural frames that affirm the sense that socio-ecological transformation is within our reach.


ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 498 733,00
1012WX Amsterdam

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West-Nederland Noord-Holland Groot-Amsterdam
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 498 733,00

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