Descrizione del progetto
Un innovativo centro di ricerca sulle cellule staminali in Bulgaria
In Bulgaria la ricerca sulle cellule staminali sta progredendo grazie all’istituzione di una cattedra SER presso l’Università medica di Varna. L’obiettivo è promuovere e sostenere la ricerca di base e la ricerca applicata, mirando all’espansione della ricerca sulle conoscenze di base esistenti relative a questioni specifiche. Il progetto TRANSTEM, finanziato dall’UE, creerà un dipartimento avanzato di Biologia delle cellule staminali coordinato da una cattedra SER, che sarà presieduta da un biologo esperto. Il dipartimento sfrutterà appieno le capacità scientifiche esistenti, potenzierà l’efficienza nella creazione e utilizzo di innovazioni e rafforzerà la scoperta di nuove terapie e medicine da parte dell’università. Il risultato della ricerca apporterà vantaggi per la salute pubblica e creerà nuove opportunità finanziarie.
The goal of TRANSTEM is to unlock, foster and sustain excellent basic and applied stem cell research as well as clinical
application in MUV through the recruitment of an ERA Chair in stem cell biology.
TRANSTEM will specifically:
- Enhance research organization and management in MUV by establishing a new and fully functional Stem Cell Biology
Department and hiring an outstanding stem cell biology researcher and manager who will guide the transformation process
and SCBD development.
- Strengthen the scientific excellence in MUV in the field of translational stem cell biology via continuous development and
regular evaluation of the new Stem Cell Biology Department, human resource capacity upgrade, trainings in research,
bilateral exchanges with foreign research centres of excellence in stem cell biology, and study visits in bio banks abroad.
- Increase the transfer of innovation potential of MUV and enable the translation of discoveries into new therapies and
medical products which improve public’s health and generate new economic opportunities through the setting up of a
knowledge transfer office, upgrading IPR strategy
- and fostering project and collaborations with biotech, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.
- Enable regional socio-political development in the field of stem cell biology by generating regional support through open
multi-stakeholder dialogue with social and political stakeholders, tackling policy bottlenecks and roadmapping reforms in the
Bulgarian research and innovation landscape.
- Leverage existing and establish new collaborations to extend application and participation both in national operational
programmes and international EU funded calls thus enabling major scientific advancements in the use of stem cells for
public health.
- Ensure widespread and effective communication and dissemination which raise awareness, foster interactions and
maximise TRANSTEM’s impact at the regional, national and international levels.
Parole chiave
- H2020-EU.4.c. - Establishing ‚ERA Chairs’ Main Programme
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9002 Varna