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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Research platform on antibiotic resistance spread through wastewater treatment plants

Descripción del proyecto

Un frente unido para combatir la coalescencia de bacterias peligrosas en el tratamiento de aguas residuales

Las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales hacen que sea seguro liberar al medio ambiente el agua usada. Desafortunadamente, también son una de las fuentes más importantes de bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos (BRA). Los microbios de los seres humanos, los animales y el medio ambiente (muchos de los cuales albergan genes resistentes a los antibióticos como resultado del uso excesivo de antibióticos) confluyen en un sistema cerrado. La recopilación y el análisis de datos normalizados sobre las BRA y los genes asociados presentes en las aguas residuales son vitales para gestionar eficazmente los futuros riesgos ambientales y de salud pública. REPARES cubrirá una necesidad crítica, con apoyo a la experiencia académica y la financiación, al tiempo que creará el marco estructural para la cooperación con organismos públicos y gubernamentales a través de bases de datos integradas, una plataforma web y numerosas actividades de divulgación e información.


Development and proliferation of antibiotic resistance is classified among major global threats by the World Health Organization. Sanitation of the water cycle is essential to sustain environmental and human health. Within urban water systems, public and governmental perception is rising on the role of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and their microbiomes as putative hotspots for the proliferation of antibiotic resistances, and the need for new quality criteria and installation upgrades.
However, because of methodological biases, our knowledge remains limited on the emission, fate and possible amplification or removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) across WWTPs. There is an urgent need to develop standardized methods and database for the accurate identification, characterization, and quantification of antibiotic resistances in such complex water matrices.
REPARES brings excellence in research on spread of antibiotic resistance in WWTPs through establishing cooperation of UCT with leading European innovators and internationally-renowned expert of the water-related antibiotic resistance field: UCP will share its expert leadership in wastewater-mediated antibiotic resistance; TUDelft will deliver methods to successfully apply for international projects; Wetsus will propel cooperation with the non-academic sector; AAU will integrate the REPARES database within the world-accepted MiDAS database.
REPARES aims at advancing the European community‘s know-how on antibiotic resistance across sanitation waterways, which in the future will bring society to closer achieve Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations. REPARES will act as an essential vector to disseminate information on antimicrobial resistance spread within European WWTPs beyond science and technology in order to reach the non-academic community by means of open events, popularization publications, and operation of the REPARES web platform.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 301 500,00
166 28 Praha

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Česko Praha Hlavní město Praha
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 301 500,00

Participantes (5)