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Patient specific biomimetic materials for bone regeneration

Descrizione del progetto

Biomateriali ossei sintetici innovativi

Negli interventi di trapianto osseo, gli innesti sono ottenuti dai pazienti stessi, dalle banche delle ossa o addirittura dagli animali. Tuttavia, tutte queste fonti presentano vari svantaggi associati alla compatibilità immunitaria, alla disponibilità e alla trasmissione di malattie. Lo scopo del progetto Bone3Dmatch, finanziato dall’UE, è di rivoluzionare il settore degli innesti ossei sintetici introducendo biomateriali innovativi. Questi ultimi hanno una densità elevata e imitano le proprietà dell’osso naturale, supportando la rigenerazione ossea e la guarigione del paziente. Inoltre, possono essere stampati in 3D per produrre impalcature su misura per le esigenze dei singoli pazienti, il che permetterà il trattamento di difetti ossei complessi.


Over 2 million bone grafting procedures are performed annually worldwide nearly half of them in the EU, being the 2nd most transplanted tissue after blood. Bone defects pose a great clinical and socio-economic problem, only worsening with the ageing population. Even if bone harvested from the patient, bone banks or animals are common standard, they present serious disadvantages (limited availability, immune responses, disease transmission, ethical issues). Various synthetic bone grafts have been developed to minimize complications, yet with low success and failing to accelerate natural bone growth.
Bone3Dmatch revolutionizes the market of bone grafting (3.2bn€ globally) with a new generation of synthetic biomaterials. Two main disruptions are brought forward:
1) Biomimicry: The biomaterial, its aqueous composition and low-temperature processing is capable of mimicking the bone creation conditions. Thus, it is recognised as natural bone by bone cells, accelerating the bone regeneration and the patient’s recovery.
2) Patient customisation: Through advanced 3D printing technologies, it manufactures patient-specific scaffolds in less than 72h. This enables the treatment of complex bone defects, changing the current paradigm to a patient specific treatment.
The company behind Bone3Dmatch is MIMETIS, a young SME built on the back of 25 years of research and business acumen in biomaterials for bone regeneration. Currently, MIMETIS offers biomimetic granules for the dental market. With an investment of 1.1M€, Bone3Dmatch will accelerate the market introduction of the 4th generation biomaterial in a completely new form (3D-printed scaffolds). Targeting orthopaedics and cranio-maxillofacial, we expect to reach the market in 2020 achieving 4,9M€ in revenues in only 3 years. Moreover, our ambition is to deploy a decentralised model where hospitals around the world are able to print their own patient-specific implants using our biomimetic biomaterial.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 795 839,80
08290 Cerdanyola Del Valles Barcelona

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 1 136 914,00