CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Interdisciplinary connectivity: Understanding and managing complex systems using connectivity science


Konnektivitätsweiterbildung für Forschernachwuchs

Das Gebiet der Konnektivitätswissenschaft ist innerhalb eines breiten Spektrums von Disziplinen für das Verständnis des Verhaltens komplexer Systeme von zentraler Bedeutung. Es entwickelt sich stetig weiter und wissenschaftliche Institutionen erachten hier die Ausbildung einer neuen Nachwuchsforschergeneration als notwendig. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts i-CONN ist die Entwicklung des theoretischen Fundaments der Konnektivitätswissenschaft und einer integrierten Methodenstruktur, die in komplexen Systemen angewendet werden kann. Außerdem sollen Vorrichtungen der Konnektivitätswissenschaft untersucht werden, um komplexe Systeme zu erfassen, anzupassen und zu handhaben. Das Projekt wird in den Bereichen Forschung, Ausbildung, Wissens- und Kompetenzaustausch ansetzen und eine neue Generation von Nachwuchsforscherinnen und -forschern in der Konnektivitätswissenschaft ausbilden.


The goal of this ITN is to train a new cohort of researchers specialized in the developing field of connectivity science who will be capable of developing interdisciplinary approaches to connectivity across a range of disciplines and real-life applications in the next five to 10 years. Our overarching aim is to overcome barriers to progress in using connectivity science to understand and manage complex systems by learning from transdisciplinary perspectives to produce new insights into the behaviour of complex systems across diverse disciplines (Astrophysics, Computer Science, Ecology, Geomorphology, Hydrology, Neuroscience, Systems Biology and Social Science), and synthesize them into a common set of theories and approaches. To realise this goal, we define three research objectives each of which focuses on a specific challenge in developing connectivity: Objective 1) Developing the theoretical underpinning of connectivity science for applications in complex systems; Objective 2) Development of a unified framework of methods and approaches that can be applied across disciplines; Objective 3) Exploring applications of connectivity science to understand, adapt to and manage complex systems. A dedicated work package has been created for each research objective, and each one involves the key activities of the network: research, training, and knowledge and expertise dissemination. In addition, WP4 will have oversight of training, WP5 the management and WP6 the dissemination aspects of the network. Training of ESRs will include: - A network-wide training course in transferable skills will be specially developed and delivered by D-CAD (Centre for Academic Development at Durham), an award-winning programme supporting Early Career Researchers. - a bespoke series of five advanced training courses and a datathon - secondments between academic, private- and public-sector partners - online training courses and seminars and a network conference.


€ 1 212 690,24
DH1 3LE Durham
Vereinigtes Königreich

Auf der Karte ansehen

North East (England) Tees Valley and Durham Durham CC
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 212 690,24

Beteiligte (10)