CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Magnetism and the effects of Electric Field


Schulung der nächsten Generation zur Steuerung des Magnetismus durch elektrische Felder

Ziel von Green IT ist die Minimierung der negativen Umweltauswirkungen der Informationstechnologie (IT). Man geht davon aus, dass die Forschung in diesem Bereich letztendlich zu Rechen- und Kommunikationsgeräten mit neuen Funktionalitäten mit extrem geringem Energieverbrauch führen werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MagnEFi ist ein innovatives, durch das Programm der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen gefördertes Schulungsnetzwerk. Es wird weltweit führende Experten und private Unternehmen zusammenbringen, um die Schulung und Ausbildung von Nachwuchsforscherinnen und Nachwuchsforschern über die Auswirkungen elektrischer Felder auf magnetische Strukturen im Nanobereich zu verbessern. Ziel ist es, einen wissenschaftlichen Einfluss auf das Design und die Leistung multifunktionaler Spintronik-Geräte zu erzielen. Das Konsortium bietet ein umfangreiches Schulungsumfeld – international und branchenübergreifend.


MagnEFi is a training network of European experts assembled to provide enhanced training and education to early stage researchers on the topic of electric field effects on nanoscale magnetic structures. The goal is to train the next generation to work in this fast rising and key field of GreenIT. Electric fields may be applied to nanoscale magnetic structures in a variety of ways: either directly as a voltage gate, coupled via a ferroelectric or piezoelectric material that strains the nanomagnet, or using light. Addressing the effect of electric fields on the properties of nanoscale magnetic structures has become increasingly important in the search for efficient methods of manipulating nanomagnetism. Research in this area is expected ultimately to lead to ultralow power devices for computation and communication with new functionalities.
The consortium that has come together to deliver this training is uniquely qualified to do so, consisting of world-leading experts in condensed matter physics and leading private companies, along with a range of associated partners spanning basic research, machine tool development, industrial and consumer products. The consortium provides a rich training environment that is both international and intersectoral, where the fellows will both study at the cutting edge of science and technology, and also come to appreciate the breadth of the field in terms of its intellectual challenges, commercial concerns and relationship to society’s need for ever more powerful information technologies with a reduced environmental footprint. This will enable them, in their future careers, to contribute to the strengthening of both the European Research Area and the European Information and Communication industry, particularly GreenIT, an especially important and growing sector for EU economic development.


€ 549 604,08
91190 Gif-Sur-Yvette

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Essonne
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 549 604,08

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