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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

The Future of European Independent Art Spaces in a Period of Socially Engaged Art

Descrizione del progetto

Formazione per l’arte socialmente impegnata

L’arte socialmente impegnata ha lo scopo di promuovere un cambiamento sociale e politico attraverso la collaborazione con individui, comunità e istituzioni per la creazione di arte partecipativa. Il progetto FEINART, finanziato dall’UE, comprende una vasta collaborazione tra centri di ricerca che rilasciano titoli di studio in filosofia politica, teoria dell’arte e gestione culturale e il settore artistico europeo indipendente. FEINART fornisce la prima indagine interdisciplinare e olistica sul ruolo e la funzione democratica dell’arte socialmente impegnata in Europa. Il progetto prevede di formare 11 ricercatori, fornendo loro le competenze accademiche e non accademiche necessarie per affrontare le sfide di questo nuovo panorama artistico e culturale.


FEINART is an extensive collaboration between degree-awarding research-centres in political philosophy, art theory/practice
and curatorial studies/cultural management, and the independent European art sector, as the basis for the first
interdisciplinary and holistic investigation of the democratic role and function of socially engaged art in Europe. In this it will
train 11 Early-Stage Researchers in order to provide the relevant academic and non-academic skills to engage with the
challenges of this new artistic and cultural landscape. The 11 ESRs will be spread across four academic Beneficiaries
(University of Wolverhampton University of Iceland, University of Edinburgh, Zeppelin University, Germany) and 7 Partner
Organizations (Tensta Konstall, Sweden; BAK, Netherlands; State of Concept, Greece; W-Est, Italy; Romania;
Teatr Scena Prezentacje (Biennale Warsawa), Poland; and Icelandic Academy of the Arts, Iceland). The selected POs represent an exemplary cross section of small-scale and larger independent spaces - projects spaces, cultural centres, art labs/research hubs -
working under different demands and expectations, yet all providing invaluable support and resources for artists working in
the area of socially engaged practice. The training programme, as such, will provide invaluable data about the distribution,
impact, and role of socially engaged art, as a future contribution to funding policy recommendations on state support of art
beyond the museum’s traditional functions, and debates on art and public culture.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 909 517,68
WV1 1LY Wolverhampton
Regno Unito

Mostra sulla mappa

West Midlands (England) West Midlands Wolverhampton
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 909 517,68

Partecipanti (3)