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Integrated Photonics for the next generation of autonomous Vehicles using InP technologies


Photonik zu neuen Höhen in der Automobilindustrie führen

Die Photonik – die sich mit der Erzeugung, Lenkung, Manipulation, Verstärkung und Erkennung von Licht beschäftigt – ist heute ein Schlüssel, der Technologie für viele Innovationen ermöglicht. Laser, Glasfaser, Kameras in unseren Telefonen, LED-Beleuchtung in unseren Autos, Wohnungen, Computerbildschirme und Fernsehgeräte sind nur einige Beispiele. Beim EU-finanzierten Projekt DRIVE liegt der Fokus auf der Förderung von Innovationen in der Automobilbranche und der nächsten Generation autonomer Fahrzeuge. Das Projekt wird synergistisch arbeiten, um eine Kohorte von vier Nachwuchswissenschaftlern mit fortgeschrittenen interdisziplinären Fähigkeiten in hybriden optoelektronischen Schaltungsdesigns sowie in der Softwaresimulation und bei der Modellierung photonischen integrierten Schaltkreisen auf Basis von Indiumphosphid (InP) zu generieren. Sie werden eine Schulung an zwei führenden europäischen Institutionen und in drei Industrieunternehmen erhalten.


Photonic integration is emerging as a new standard for providing high-performance, miniaturised optical systems for a wide range of applications, among others in the thriving sector of vehicle autonomy. However, the potential of the sector is currently hampered by the availability of accurate simulation and validation tools for optoelectronic Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) design, which is why an exceptional improvement of PIC software tools and better modelling procedures and simulation tools for Process Design Kits (PDKs) are of the utmost importance. To foster the adoption of photonic based solutions in the automotive industry, the academic and industrial partners of DRIVE-In will work synergistically to generate a cohort of four young scientists with advanced inter-disciplinary skills in hybrid optoelectronic circuit designs and software simulation and modelling of Indium Phosphide-(InP)-based PICs. DRIVE-In will train four ESRs at two leading European academic institutions and three industrial companies, thus forming a strong interdisciplinary network between industry and technical sciences to overcome specific barriers in the intersection of the integrated photonics sector and the automotive industry. With combined skills in e.g. hybrid optoelectronic circuit designs and software simulation and modelling of InP-PICs, the DRIVE-In ESRs will contribute to overcoming the challenges related to hybridisation of integrated photonics and microelectronics, increasing PIC complexity, needs for high-performance FSO links and for software simulation and fast-generation layout models. The availability of professionals combining the DRIVE-In skills will directly fuel emerging optoelectronic PIC-based innovation and ensure its exploitation by the photonic industry in the automotive sector. Additionally, unique career opportunities will arise for the professionals involved in this technological step change in advanced InP-PIC design and simulation.


€ 752 714,64
36310 Vigo Pontevedra

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Noroeste Galicia Pontevedra
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 752 714,64

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