CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Selected database originated from ESRs projects on Fish Management Solutions
Final database on Fish Tools and TechnologiesSelected database originated from ESRs projects on Fish Tools and Technologies
Final database on Fish HydrodynamicsSelected database originated from ESRs projects on Fish Hydrodynamics
Final database on Fish Stress and BehaviourSelected database originated from ESRs projects on Fish Stress and Behaviour
Final scientific reports on Fish Stress and Behaviour
N.4 Final scientific reports on end-of-project results on:acoustic disturbances (ESR01/PhD in Eng.)light barriers for fish (ESR02/PhD in Biol.)bio-indicators of fish stress (ESR03/PhD in Biosc.)modelling fish habitats (ESR04/PhD in Biol.)
Forum Paper on aquatic ecologyMethods on Fish Management Solutions
Methods on Fish Management SolutionsLiterature review on efficiency of rehabilitative measures to ameliorate fish passage at anthropogenic barriers including fish species with diverse locomotory mode body morphology and lifehistory strategyPreliminary scientific reports on Material Methods to be used by ESRsUGENT Field campaigns in anthropogenicallyimpacted rivers using acousticallytagged fish to reveal threats for downstream migrating species including passage through hydropower turbinesNOAB Field surveys to assess the efficiency of fishpass solutions for downstream migrating speciesPOLITOUNIPD In silico analysis CFD and field surveys to assess fish stress along existing fish pass devices
Supervisory Board formalizedMethods on Fish Tools and Technologies
Methods on Fish Tools and TechnologiesLiterature review on existing tools for detailed fish survey in rivers and data analysis with particular regards to fish tracking techniques sensors and telemetry modelling of fish trajectories and routesPreliminary scientific reports on Material Methods to be used by ESRsSJEFVT Field survey to assess current visual and telemetrybased methodologies applied for tracking fish passage at river infrastructures and fish migration routes TUTSOTON Development of algorithms and prototypes based on visual acoustic and pressure sensor arrays to enhance automatic tracking of fish motion
Final scientific reports on Fish Management SolutionsN.3 Final scientific reports on end-of-project results on: protection of migrating fish (ESR13/PhD in Biosc.Eng.)fishways improvement (ESR14/PhD in Eng.)novel fish guidance facilities (ESR15/PhD in Biol.)
Methods on Fish HydrodynamicsMethods on Fish HydrodynamicsLiterature review oni key flow patterns dragforming mechanisms and propulsion strategies both in controlled conditions and in natural environments ii parameterized locomotor dynamics that maximize swimming performance and assess potential implications for fish bioenergetics iii fish biomechanical properties entering scaling analysis in physical modelling iv key parameters for designing fish passage adapted to the needs of smallsized migratory speciesPreliminary scientific reports on Material Methods to be used by ESRsUNIABDNUNIPD Experimental apparatus for simultaneous measurements of both fish movements and 3D velocity fields metrical parameters to describe flowfish interactionsIGBUNIPDPOLITO Field research observation of swimming mechanics of fish in natural streams similarity principles to link laboratory experiments and fieldbased studies
Report on Conference Session C2Scientific reports and preliminary database on Fish Tools and Technologies
Scientific reports on the prototypes experimental development:SJE/TUT: Combination of biomimetic fish robot with GIS-based global sensing tool to obtain detailed information on functional and non-functional passes. FVT/SOTON: Combination of a recently-developed field equipment currently based on an automatic infrared camera system with multiple sensor arrays and multimodaltracking algorithm to enhance fish detection at fish passes.Preliminary datasets obtained through the prototypes experimental development.
Report on Final Conference (FC)Report on Final Conference FC
Final scientific reports on Fish HydrodynamicsN.4 Final scientific reports on end-of-project results on: fish bioenergetics (ESR05/PhD in Eng.)hydrodynamics of fish habitats (ESR06/PhD in Biol.)fish-scale hydraulic model (ESR07/PhD in Eng.)fish swimming efficiency (ESR08/PhD in Eng.)
Potential inputs for policy feedbackFinal scientific reports on Fish Tools and Technologies
N.4 Final scientific reports on end-of-project results on: modelling fish migration paths (ESR09/PhD in Biosc.Eng.) bio-robotics and fish behavior (ESR10/PhD in Eng.)fish detection and visualization (ESR11/PhD in Eng.)two-way river rehabilitation (ESR12/PhD in Biol.)
Methods on Fish Stress and BehaviourMethods on Fish Stress and BehaviourLiterature review oni multimodal signals driving favorable fish decisionmaking process behavioural responseii to what extent stimuli can result in energy costs for fish migration or have detrimental effects on fish health physiological responseiii the impact of anthropogenic alterations on fish communities to evaluate river habitat restoration measuresPreliminary scientific reports on Material Methods to be used by ESRsSOTONIGB Experimental apparatus including outdoor facility operating with visualacoustic sensors and aquaria equipped with lighting system to observe fishbehaviour IGBUNIPD Biomarkerbased procedure to measure fish physiological alterations and cell or DNA damage KAU Field survey on hydromorphological and ecological features of representative streams to identify pristine fish habitat conditions
Datasets originated by field campaigns and field and in silico experiments to:UGENT: quantify passage efficiency of different migration barriers, migration delay and level of injury on fish caused by hydraulic infrastructures. NOAB/POLITO: assess fish passage solutions and behaviour of migrating fish coming across turbulence
Preliminary database on Fish Stress and BehaviourDatasets originated during experimental tests to: (i) observe fish behaviour during exposure to different stimuli, with image analysis obtained using novel video tracking software;(ii) correlate signal type and intensity with hormonal changes that regulate essential physiological processes (e.g., circadian rhythms)(iii) measure potential stress associated to external stimuli, including passage in proximity of river infrastructures.
Preliminary database on Fish HydrodynamicsDatasets originated by experiments aimed at identifying and quantifying complex interactions between fish and turbulent flows (bio-mechanical interactions) by:(i) detailing the flow structure around swimming fish in a controlled environment (near-head areas, boundary layers along the fish body, wakes behind fins and tails) (ii) providing a full depiction of fish behaviour in natural habitats that account for typical flow patterns (shallow mixing layers, wakes, jets) and waves (cushion waves, lateralpressure waves, hydraulic jumps). Datasets on fish-flow interactions will include species with distinctly different morphologies and behavioural patterns (e.g. trout, grayling, lamprey, and eels) and some poorly known small-sized migratory fish species.
Publication of the Network website Restricted access to part of the website is foreseen
Animation movie on aquatic ecologyPubblicazioni
Schumann, S., Mozzi, G., Piva, E., Devigili, A., Negrato, E., Marion, A., Bertotto, D.
Pubblicato in:
Scientific Reports, 2023, ISSN 2045-2322
Nature Publishing Group
Piva, E., Schumann, S., Dotteschini, S., Brocca, G., Radaelli, G., Marion, A., Irato, P., Bertotto, D., & Santovito, G.
Pubblicato in:
Antioxidants, 2022, ISSN 2076-3921
Mawer, R., Bruneel, S. P., Pauwels, I. S., Elings, J., Pickholtz, E., Pickholtz, R., Schneider, M., Coeck, J., & Goethals, P. L. M
Pubblicato in:
Movement Ecology, 2023, ISSN 2051-3933
BioMed Central
Jelger Elings, Stijn Bruneel, Ine S. Pauwels, Matthias Schneider, Ianina Kopecki, Johan Coeck, Rachel Mawer, Peter L. M. Goethals
Pubblicato in:
Biological reviews, 2024, Pagina/e 313-327, ISSN 1464-7931
Cambridge University Press
Muhammad Usama Ashraf, Daniel Nyqvist, Claudio Comoglio, Costantino Manes
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Ecohydraulics, 2024, ISSN 2470-5357
Taylor and Francis
Nyqvist, D., Schiavon, A., Candiotto, A., Mozzi, G., Eggers, F., & Comoglio, C.
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Fish Biology, 2022, ISSN 0022-1112
Blackwell Publishing Inc.
Elings, J., Mawer, R., Bruneel, S., Pauwels, I. S., Pickholtz, E., Pickholtz, R., Coeck, J., Schneider, M, & Goethals, P.
Pubblicato in:
Movement Ecology, 2023, ISSN 2051-3933
BioMed Central
Hansen, H. H., Schneider, M., & Hägele, T.
Pubblicato in:
Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2023, ISSN 2688-8319
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Mawer, R., Pauwels, I. S., Bruneel, S., P., Goethals, P. L. M., Kopecki, I., Elings, J., Coeck, J., & Schneider, M.
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, ISSN 0301-4797
Academic Press
Bensing, K., Tuhtan, J. A., Toming, G., Khan, A. H., & Lehmann, B.
Pubblicato in:
Aquatic Sciences, 2022, ISSN 1015-1621
Birkhauser Verlag
Hansen, H. H., Andersen, K. H., & Bergman, E.
Pubblicato in:
Ecological Indicators, 2023, ISSN 1470-160X
Elsevier BV
Hansen, H. H., Bergman, E., Cowx, I. G.,, Lind, L., Pauna, V. H., & Willis. K. A
Pubblicato in:
Global Sustainability, 2023, ISSN 2059-4798
Cambridge University Press
Schiavon, A., Comoglio, C., Candiotto, A., Hölker, F., Ashraf, M. U., & Nyqvist, D.
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Limnology, 2023, ISSN 1129-5767
Vega, C. P., Jechow, A., Campbell, J. A., Zielinska-Dabkowska, K. M., & Hölker, F.
Pubblicato in:
Basic and Applied Ecology, 2023, ISSN 1439-1791
Elsevier BV
Khan, A. H., Hussmann, K. R., Powalla, D., Hoerner, S., Kruusmaa, M., & Tuhtan, J. A.
Pubblicato in:
Ecological Informatics, 2022, ISSN 1574-9541
Elsevier BV
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