Winzige Kolloide mit Superkräften verbessern Diagnosen und Therapien
Kolloidale Partikel sind mikroskopisch oder gar nanoskopisch kleine Partikel, deren Oberfläche funktionalisiert werden kann. Aufgrund ihrer vergleichsweise großen Oberfläche können die winzigen Kolloide mit vielen Molekülen beladen werden, die Wirkstoffe freisetzen und Krankheitserreger oder Biomarker am Zielort binden, was die Basis für leistungsfähige diagnostische oder therapeutische Systeme sein könnte. Da die Rezeptoraktivität und -anordnung wegen technischer Hürden aber noch nicht gut koordinierbar ist, wurde das Potenzial von Kolloiden bislang noch nicht ausgeschöpft. Schwerpunkt des Projekts SuperCol sind sowohl detaillierte visuelle optische Oberflächenanalysen bei Kolloiden als auch chemische Analysen der Rezeptoren. Daraus sollen Modelle für das rationale Wirkstoffdesign hervorgehen, um hochselektive und -reaktive Partikel zu generieren, die bei Bedarf gezielt Krankheitsbiomarker binden oder Therapeutika freisetzen.
SuperCol will train a new generation of scientists in modern super-resolution microscopy and particle functionalisation for improved colloidal design and nanoscale interfacial control for particle-based biosensing. Colloidal-particle-based materials have shown unique abilities in (bio)sensing and other applications because of their large surface-to-volume ratio and biochemical functionalisation. However, we have had only limited success in controlling the sensing properties and cannot yet realise the sensitivity, selectivity and kinetic control that is achieved by e.g. cellular sensing networks. In order to realise this we need to initiate a paradigm shift and create surfaces with a quantified and rationally designed number, distribution, and activity of receptors. To achieve this, we need to understand the structure-function relation between the loading patterns and the sensing characteristics. At this moment, we do not know: (1) how to accurately visualise individual receptors on colloidal surfaces, (2) how to influence the number, distribution and activity of receptors and (3) how this surface organisation translates to highly desired functionalities such as responsiveness and super-selectivity. Super-resolution imaging, advanced particle surface chemistry and advanced modelling will allow to bridge these gaps. However, the field lacks the human capital that can oversee and bridge these disciplines to advance these approaches and effectively (a) control, (b) visualise and quantify, and (c) rationally design surface-functionality to advance particle-based biomedical applications. SuperCol will train the next generation of researchers to overcome this barrier, and will develop e.g. super-selective biosensors for dengue and cholera, and responsive particles that allow biomolecules to be captured (e.g. inflammation markers) and released (e.g. doxorubicin) on demand.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- engineering and technologyelectrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineeringelectronic engineeringsensorsbiosensors
- engineering and technologyenvironmental biotechnologybiosensing
- natural sciencesbiological sciencesbiochemistrybiomolecules
- natural sciencesphysical sciencesopticsmicroscopysuper resolution microscopy
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MSCA-ITN - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)Koordinator
5612 AE Eindhoven