CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Personalized Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Approach


Forschungsnachwuchs forscht zu Vorhofflimmern

Das Herz besteht aus vier Kammern, die genau aufeinander abgestimmt kontrahieren und so das Blut durch den Körper pumpen. Störungen dieser Kontraktionen können in leichten Fällen zu Atemnot, Schwindel und Müdigkeit führen, in schwereren Fällen allerdings zum Herzversagen. Vorhofflimmern manifestiert sich in schnellen, unregelmäßigen Kontraktionen der beiden oberen Herzkammern (Vorhöfe), was das Risiko für Schlaganfälle und ähnliche Erkrankungen erhöht. Da vielseitige Ursachen in Frage kommen, sind genaue und patientenspezifische Analysen für eine wirksame Behandlung unerlässlich. So entwickelt das Projekt PersonalizeAF neue Technologien zur Charakterisierung von Vorhofflimmern, ergänzt durch neue Behandlungsstrategien. Das gemeinsame akademische und klinische Ausbildungsnetzwerk plant die Bereitstellung personalisierter Therapien und fördert damit bessere Behandlungserfolge.


Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia affecting more than 6 million Europeans with a cost exceeding 1% of the EU health care system budget (13.5 billion annually). New treatment strategies and the progress achieved in research on AF mechanisms and substrate evaluation methods to date have not been commensurate with an equivalent development of the knowledge and technologies required to individually characterize each patient in search of the most efficient therapy.

PersonalizeAF addresses this challenge by delivering an innovative multinational, multi-sectorial, and multidisciplinary research and training programme in new technologies and novel strategies for individualized characterization of AF substrate to and increase treatments’ efficiency.

From the research point of view, PersonalizeAF will integrate data and knowledge from in-vitro, in silico, ex vivo and in vivo animal and human models to: 1) generate an individual description of the state of the atrial muscle identifying the disease mechanisms and characteristics; 2) understanding the potential effect that different therapies have on different atrial substrates; and 3) combining this information to generate a specific profile of the patient and the best therapy for each patient.

With this purpose, PersonalizeAF partnership aggregates relevant scientific staff from the academic and clinical world with highly specialised biomedical companies which will be involved in a high-level personalised training programme that will train a new generation of highly skilled professionals and guarantee ESRs and future PhD students outstanding Career Opportunities in the biomedical engineering, cardiology services and medical devices sectors. PersonalizeAF will disseminate results to a wide spectrum of stakeholders, create awareness in the general public about atrial fibrillation and encourage vocational careers among young students.


€ 501 809,76
46022 Valencia

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Este Comunitat Valenciana Valencia/València
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 501 809,76

Beteiligte (12)