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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Multi-scale fibre-based optical frequency combs: science, technology and applications


Ausbildungsnetzwerk zu optischen Frequenzkämmen

Ein optischer Frequenzkamm ist ein hochpräzises Instrument zur Messung unterschiedlicher Lichtfrequenzen. Die mit den jüngsten Fortschritten bei ultraschnellen Lasern entwickelte Technologie misst hochgenau deutlich höhere Frequenzen als jedes andere Instrument. Das über das Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Programm finanzierte Projekt MEFISTA bildet sechs Nachwuchswissenschaftler in diesem Bereich aus. Sie forschen zu neuen Techniken, mit denen spezielle Laserwellenformen erzeugt werden, sowie zu abstimmbaren Doppelkammquellen im mittleren Infrarotbereich und der Herstellung modengekoppelter Faserlaser. Ein Schwerpunkt wird auch der Einsatz von Frequenzkämmen im Laserradar/LIDAR autonomer Fahrzeuge sein. Die Initiative wird die Zusammenarbeit zwischen wissenschaftlichen und industriellen Partnern fördern, was Forschung und Innovation in der EU zu optischen Frequenzkammtechnologien zugute kommen wird.


The key photonic technology that enables a cluster of applications and so is a driving force for an expanding photonic market in the context of addressing the global challenges is an optical frequency comb (OFC) technology based on mode locked femtosecond lasers (MLFLs). To respond to the huge demand for qualified experts on OFC technologies, we envisaged and are proposing European Training Network (ETN) “Multi-scale fibre-based optical frequency combs: science, technology and applications” (MEFISTA). MEFISTA will provide a world class advanced training programme (TP) to 6 early stage researchers (ESRs) to the level of the next generation of leaders in the fields MLFLs-based OFCs technologies, by exploiting challenging interaction between academy (Aston, UPC, ULille, EPFL and DTU) and industry (NKT and RDM). MEFISTA aims research and training collaborations that will help ESRs to acquire unique knowledge and research skills on OFC technology from the theory to implementation: development of novel mode- locking techniques and speciality fibres and waveguides for MLFLs, mid-infrared (mid-IR) tuneable dual combs sources for molecular fingerprinting, design and characterisation of dual comb MLFLs, and MLFLs manufacturing. A special focus will be the industrial applications related to development and trial tests of MLFLs in the context of autonomous driving (car-object distance ranging, object recognition, moving objects speed tracing: Doppler LIDAR). The TP will be implemented through the unique combination of the “hands-on” research training, non-academic placements and advanced inter/multidisciplinary/inter-sectoral training on nonlinear science, laser physics, fibre optics, and autonomous driving technologies and transferable skills including Research Integrity, Gender Dimension in Research, and Open Science. The TP will be also supported by synergistic merging the expertise of 4 academic, two non-academic beneficiaries and 1 academic partners from 5 countries.


€ 606 345,12
B4 7ET Birmingham
Vereinigtes Königreich

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West Midlands (England) West Midlands Birmingham
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 606 345,12

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