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TRansmission system enhancement of regIoNal borders by means of IntellIgenT market technologY

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - TRINITY (TRansmission system enhancement of regIoNal borders by means of IntellIgenT market technologY)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-04-01 bis 2023-09-30

The adoption of a greener and unified electricity market is one of the main challenges faced by Europe today. Northern and Western Europe have already progressed during recent years towards this direction. However, South-Eastern Europe (SEE) is still tackling substantial barriers in order to catch up with more experienced EU regions.
TRINITY is addressing this challenge for improving this situation and facilitating the interconnection of SEE electricity markets going at the same time beyond the state of the art in RES promoting technologies.

The energy dependence of SEE countries on fossil fuel primary energy sources provokes a high dependence on energy imports (with an oil import dependency higher than 98% in some countries) that affects the whole EU. This also implies a fluctuation in the household prices with an upward trend expected to be even higher in the next years. This fact is particularly worrying since electricity consumption in SEE is up to twice as high as in other parts of EU, causing higher burden on SEE households with high electricity costs. There are many cases in SEE that struggle with the regular payment of utility bills.
For that reasons, TRINITY will promote the own electricity resources of SEE countries by fostering the local production of renewable energies while increasing the interconnection between these countries for reducing the energy imports from non-EU countries (resulting in increasing the energy independency of Europe) and then reduce household prices whilst reducing CO2 emissions.

Taking this into account, the overall objectives of the project are:

Enhanced cross border trading and balancing energy exchange.

To ensure electricity market integration.

Improved security of system operation in the context of increased RES.

Increased share of RES in SEE.

Better coordination, interaction and communication.

The consortium considers the implementation of TRINITY as a complete success. All the technologies included in the Grant Agreement were developed, tested in real life conditions and assessed. The assessment shows that the TRINITY technologies can be beneficial not only for non-EU but also for EU countries. In addition, extra technologies beyond the ones in the Grant Agreement were developed, tested and evaluated. All of this being compliant with the maximum budget established in the Grant Agreement.
- The Technical and non-technical requirements for the entire project have been formally specified in the earliest phase of the project together with the KPIs:
• Definition of 279 requirements categorized into eleven classification groups.
• Definition of 53 KPIs

- The uses cases to address the interest of the demonstration sites and to ensure the transferability of the results, have been described in detail. The SGAM architecture of these Use Cases has also been designed.
The project has defined 47 Use Cases, which the respective SGAM design, categorized under 4 High Level Use Cases:

- The project has studied the energy regulatory framework of SEE countries.
Analysis of the regulatory and social conditions of different energy operation and market aspects of the 8 pilot countries.

- The project has studied the physical and ICT infrastructure of TRINITY end-users.
Analysis of:
• 1 RSC.
• 5 TSOs.
• 2 RES Producers.
• 4 Market Operators.

- The project provided 4 different products and three extra modules.
• Design of the four TRINITY products already performed.
• The first and second version of all the technologies have been delivered in due time as can be shown in the deliverables from WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6.

- The project consortium has participated and organized several dissemination activities, in order to increase the project impact, to spread TRINITY benefits and outputs among different stakeholders and to create synergies with other projects.
• Participation in 64 events.
• The website reached 7900 visits.
• TRINITY’s social networks have 570 followers.
• TRINITY has produced a total of 14 videos.
• Number of scientific publications: 7 publications.

- The demonstration activities started and were performed in due time.
All the deployment and demonstration activities of the different TRINITY technologies were performed and reported in WP7 deliverables.

- Exploitation activities started and were performed in due time.
D1.6 reports all the exploitation activities performed. Identification of KERs, characterization, risk analysis, IPR strategy etc.

- Replication potential of the project was analyzed.
TRINITY replication was analyzed following 5 axes, one per Task: Cost Benefit analysis, impact assessment, identification of barriers, Maaret coupling roadmap and standardization potential. Deliverables from WP8 report these activities and were submitted in due time.

In summary, the project submitted all the Deliverables in due time and provided all the required information for the different Periodic Reports (both financial and technical).
EC Expected Impact 1: To enhance regional cooperation in the operation of transmission grids so as to bring additional flexibility in the context of an increasing share of variable renewables.
TRINITY improves real time TSOs security and reliability through the T-SENTINEL TOOLSET by providing a strong analytical concept of coordinated and optimized use of non-costly and costly multilateral remedial actions in SEE region including the flexibility potential of different RES sources.

EC Expected Impact 2: To enhance regional cooperation in optimizing infrastructure investments and making best used of large-scale assets that are bringing flexibility.
Through the T-RES CONTROL CENTRE, the consortium provides a dynamic map which shows the locations with higher potential to install RES and higher needs of flexibility systems. This product will allow system operators to optimize the investment on new infrastructure to facilitate higher penetrations of RES and stimulate the provision of flexibility services.

EC Expected Impact 3: To enhance regional cooperation in an improved functioning of the wholesale market across borders
The T-MARKET COUPLING FRAMEWORK will enhance cross-border cooperation and ensure electricity market integration in SEE region and between the EU and non-EU countries. This product provides an overall overview of the intraday, bilateral and reserve markets on the national, regional and European level and identifying main harmonization issues for the region.

EC Expected Impact 4: To enhance regional cooperation in the development of future common approaches to grid services.
TRINITY, by means of the T-COORDINATION PLATFORM, coordinated TSOs from 5 different countries and analyzed the replication potential across SEE within WP8.

It is calculated that thanks to the innovative technologies developed within TRINITY and the market uptake, replicability and scalability activities of the project, TRINITY will increase 14,95 TWh of RES production, reduce 10,58 MTCO2eq and allow a price decrease of 7€ per MWh consumed during the first five years after the project end.
These targets are expected to be similar in all SEE countries in order not to leave nobody behind in the energy transition. TRINITY will homogenize the electricity markets and conditions of SEE ensuring that the price difference between bidding zones do not overpass the 2€/MWh threshold.
Figure showing the T-Products and TRINITY end users