Descrizione del progetto
Gestire il letame in modo ecocompatibile
L’aumento del consumo di carne comporta un incremento nella popolazione del bestiame (incluso il pollame) al fine di soddisfare le esigenze del mercato. Tuttavia, un maggior numero di animali si traduce anche in maggiori quantità di letame, più di quanto possano essere gestite. Sebbene il letame sia tradizionalmente impiegato come fertilizzante, l’attuale eccedenza sta diventando un problema urgente per gli agricoltori. Per affrontare le difficoltà derivanti dall’eccesso di letame nelle aziende agricole, il progetto VALI, finanziato dall’UE, commercializzerà una soluzione di smaltimento ecocompatibile. Questo nuovo sistema può convertire il letame animale in una preziosa risorsa energetica (calore ed elettricità), producendo al contempo ceneri compatte e semplici da trasportare che possono essere direttamente impiegate come concime essiccato (in sostituzione dei fertilizzanti chimici). Idonea per le piccole aziende agricole, questa soluzione può inoltre essere adattata ad agricoltori che lavorano con pollame ed equini.
With growing human population and changing lifestyle patters (eating more meat), the livestock population (including poultry) is constantly increasing and so does the amount of manure. Traditionally manure was used as a fertilizer (spreading), but the current surplus of it is becoming an urgent problem for the farmers. Spreading is dangerous environmentally and costly logistically, as well as being more limited due to restrictions with regulations (e.g. EU Nitrates Directive). As a result, the management of animal waste has become one of the most important problems for the farmers. The need for alternative eco-friendly disposal routes with potential financial benefits has so far only one possible answer: energetic valorisation of biomasses.
Our company ATANOR, expert in combustion and associated technologies, has developed the VALI system. Adapted to small farms, our innovation converts onsite animal manure into a valuable energy resource (heat & electricity), while producing compact, easy-to-transport ashes directly usable as dry fertilizer (substituting to chemical ones). This solution address sustainably and cost-effectively the problem of excessive manure in farms with a combustion approach that is especially adapted to farmers working with poultry and horses – several end users are already engaged with the project, including chicken, turkey and horse centres/farms. We are convinced that VALI solution will bring number of benefits to the end users and environment in general, including eco-friendly manure outlet, reduction of farm energy bills by up to 90%, affordable and saleable fertilizer for the plants, obsolescence of polluting LPG/gas systems, minimizing fire hazards and improving animal surroundings.
VALI successful launch will boost our revenues, with a growth estimated at 75.9 Million€ and a ROI of 342% by the 5th year, and will create many new job opportunities, both internally and with our suppliers and industrial partners.
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