CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Overview of publicprivate and blended financial instruments that are promising for HUAs
HUA data collection protocolReport on HUAdata collection frameworkprotocol to collect tools methods and evidences of HUAs
HUA ‘state-of-play' analysis - working paperWorking paper with overview of current conditions barriers and opportunities to develop a HUA entrepreneurial ecosystem as well as an identification of at least 5 best practices for each of the cluster
HUB-IN Framework concept descriptionReport on the HUBIN Framework concept for the transformation and regeneration of HUAs into innovation and entrepreneurship hubs
Current landscape of the 8 HUAsReport on HUA and HUBs individual context and stateofplay and pairings
Common Impact Assessment FrameworkReport capturing the specific evaluation targets relevant evaluation indicators and appropriate data standard
HUA Business Model CatalogueOverview of the most successful andor promising business models applied in the context of HUAs
Eight HUB-IN Action PlansA blue printed document composed by eight actions plans one per each HUBIN pilot It includes the detailed innovation framework of activities programmed for each HUBIN pilot implementation
Adapted monitoring methodology to each pilot cityReport capturing and explaining the monitoring logic model to be applied in each city
Eight tailored project RoadmapsEight tailored project roadmaps one for each HUB
Business models / Finance / Governance reportReport showcasing the different business models and structures being used in each HUB
HUA Entrepreneurial Ecosystems FrameworkIncludes the framework and systemic conditions to develop a sustainable transformation and adaptive reuse of HUAs
Common Action Plan on clustering activitiesReport setting up the partnership and providing the action plan for clustering activities with other EUprojects funded under the SC5202019 call
A GIS webbased tool supporting the characterization of the entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem within each HUA and allowing to understand the spatial diffusion of innovation
The HUB-IN toolkitTool to support establish HUBIN hubs
HUB-IN Match & Ignite programmeA programme (online and offline) attracting, engaging and connecting innovators & social entrepreneurs, start-ups and investors across the HUBs.
HUA AtlasAn accessible and attractive database and online map with HUA best practices
Interactive dialogue tool for citiesInteractive offline game for cities to cocreate and develop their own local model based on bestpractises and Business Model Catalogue
A living webtool gathering the main resources and outputs of the project serving as a platform for collaboration and innovation ecosystem intra and inter cities
Infographics videosEight infographic videos on the main activities conducted in each city and explain replication process in practice
van Twuijver, M., Bosma, N.
Pubblicato in:
Utrecht School of Economics - Winterschool 2022
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