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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Making innovation a consistent, reliable and strategic resource for governments

Descrizione del progetto

Aiutare i governi a sbloccare il valore dei dati aperti

I dati aperti supportano l’innovazione e la crescita e possono contribuire allo sviluppo delle economie e alla trasformazione delle società. Il settore privato li sta utilizzando per creare nuovo valore e migliorare le operazioni. Nel settore pubblico, i governi necessitano di supportare l’infrastruttura dei dati che connette questi ultimi agli utenti. È fondamentale che i governi rispondano e affrontino le esigenze di innovazione, sicurezza e difesa aperte, democrazia digitale e fornitura di beni pubblici ai cittadini nella pratica. Questi sono i capisaldi del progetto OPSI19 finanziato dall’UE. Esso sosterrà i governi nel realizzare i loro percorsi di innovazione e costruire quadri concettuali. Svilupperà inoltre le abilità e le capacità necessarie ad accelerare l’apprendimento e ad affrontare incertezza e alti livelli di rischio.


The context of high volatility and complex challenges require governments to develop new responses, new capabilities and new ways of understanding how to act. Mastering innovation therefore becomes critical, as there needs to be a continual capability for developing and delivering new approaches that can better respond to new challenge. The proposed project will enhance the evidence and provide sound underpinnings for public sector innovation – ‘how’ governments will change the very foundations of governance and democracy needed in the 21st Century. This will help address how governments will be able to respond to the needs of open innovation, security and defence, digital democracy and the delivery of public goods to citizens on the ground – the cornerstones of the call.

While governments are increasingly cognizant of the need to cope better with the high rate of societal and technological change, to mitigate or leverage it, they are still largely ill-equipped to consistently anticipate, intercept and decode signals from the external environment before they become realities (from mass migration to changes in mobility patterns in cities to job automation). While OPSI has found that governments are doing exciting new things that demonstrate that the potential for innovation is ever-present, the reality is that innovation practice is still inconsistent and unreliable. It is not a systematic or systemic occurrence. The projects will support governments in making their own innovation journey and build the conceptual frameworks (21st century model of innovative government) and develop the capabilities and capacities needed to accelerate learning and navigate uncertainty and high level of risks. These processes are supported by working with direct demonstration projects inside governments to show that systemic change is possible.

Campo scientifico

CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 498 034,42
75775 Paris

Mostra sulla mappa

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo di attività
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 1 498 034,43